the balance changes – Time

the balance changes – Time

The clash over the process of the possible commissionership, the storm over the embarrassing stories of the governor Michele Emiliano. The new investigation into bought votes in two small municipalities. The Apulian trouble undermines the Democratic Party and explodes the broad camp launched in Sardinia with the 5 Star Movement, with Giuseppe Conte who pulled out of the primaries for the municipal elections in Bari and pulled the plug on the alliance with the Dems. A Dire-Tecnè survey carried out with interviews carried out between 4 and 5 April provides a snapshot of the state of health of the centre-left. In short, with the Maurodinoia case still hot.

Count Savonarola and Laforgia the seer who knew but did not speak

How much does the Apulian grain weigh on voting intentions? Giorgia Meloni’s party, Brothers of Italy, remains firmly in command with 27.4%, unchanged compared to two weeks ago. The Democratic Party follows with 20.2%, losing 0.3. In third place is the 5 Star Movement: Conte’s party gains 0.3 and rises to 15.9%. In short, what Schlein loses, Conte gains. Forza Italia is at 9.4% (+0.1), while the League is stable at 7.8%. Avs dropped slightly to 4.1% (-0.1), Azione to 3.8% (-0.2) and Italia Viva to 3.2% (-0.1). +Europe growing at 2.9% (+0.1).

53.5% of voters do not have confidence in the Meloni government, a percentage up by 0.2 compared to two weeks ago. The percentage of those who trust the executive decreases, losing 0.1% to 39.8. 6.8% don’t know (-0.1). The prime minister remains firmly in the lead in the leaders’ approval rating, ahead of the second in the ranking, Antonio Tajani, who continues to make up ground. Following Conte ahead of Schlein.

Romeo opens the door: “Vannacci?  It can be on the list, but only with the historic Northern League members.

The numbers. Meloni has 43.7% of the votes, losing 0.1 compared to two weeks ago. The secretary of Forza Italia continues to earn: +0.2% for Tajani which rises to 34.7. On the lowest step of the podium is Conte, at 30.5% (-0.1). Schlein follows at 29.9% (-0.2); Matteo Salvini drops to 28% (-0.3); Emma Bonino rises to 24.2% (+0.2). Maurizio Lupi of Noi Moderati is at 23% (-0.2). Then Carlo Calenda with 20.5% (-0.3), Angelo Bonelli with 15.9% (+0.2), Nicola Fratoianni with 15.7% (+0.1). Matteo Renzi closes, stable at 15.1%.

#balance #Time
2024-04-09 00:25:34

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