Coordinating MINISTER (Menko) for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy explained regarding the government’s food reserve rice assistance (CPP). This assistance is claimed to be different from ordinary social assistance (bansos).
“CPP rice food assistance is not part of regular social assistance,” said Muhadjir at the Constitutional Court (MK) Building, Central Jakarta, Friday (5/4).
Muhadjir said CPP rice was managed and under the authority of the National Food Agency (Bapanas). The aid is distributed to achieve certain goals.
“The aim is to mitigate the risk of the El Nino disaster,” explained the former Minister of Education and Culture.
Muhadjir said that the distribution of rice was also expected to maintain the purchasing power of the poor. Especially food commodities because they are very important as basic ingredients.
“The CPP assistance program provided from January 2024 to June 2024 is an extension program from 2023,” he explained.
Muhadjir said he played a role in overseeing the distribution of CPP rice. This is to ensure that the aid actually reaches the right hands.
“This includes ensuring the principles of being on time, right on target, right quantity and right quality,” he said. (Z-1)
#Muhadjir #emphasized #rice #assistance #June #regular #social #assistance