Unraveling the Mystery: The Suspicious Death of Cathy Dubois in the Scheldt River

2024-04-07 14:05:00

What happened to Cathy Dubois, the Tournaise restaurateur found murdered in the Scheldt on Monday? A suspicious text message, a troublesome ex… David Lamarque, the victim’s brother-in-law, reveals the existence of new elements in the investigation into the suspicious death of his sister-in-law.

Cathy Dubois’ brother-in-law was the guest of “Rendez-vous” this Sunday. He is the husband of the sister of Cathy Dubois, this Tournaise restaurateur whose body was found Monday in the Scheldt. Aged 47, Cathy Dubois was beaten and thrown into the water. At the time of writing, his death remains unclear. What are the tracks?

His last text message “doesn’t look like him”

Obviously, Cathy Dubois and her family are without history, “a normal family”, indicates David Lamarque, the brother-in-law of Cathy Dubois. On the day of her death, Cathy Dubois and her companion had argued. “For next to nothing, like all couples“, further asserts the victim’s brother-in-law.

Around three o’clock in the morning, Cathy Dubois wrote an SMS to her husband, the contents of which were revealed: “I’m hitting the road. I couldn’t live my life without you, I love you“For Cathy Dubois’ brother-in-law, it is not possible that this was written by the victim.”I know Cathy very well, it’s not her. This is my personal opinion“, indicates David Lamarque.

Cathy’s brother-in-law doesn’t know what happened after sending this message. “She must have had a great restaurant… She left there late, afterward, I don’t knows”.

A threatening ex

David Lamarque also reveals the existence of an ex-companion, who has long been a problem for Cathy Dubois. In fact, she had filed a complaint against this person twice. “He systematically punctured his tires. He had hacked his mailbox… But for two years, nothing had happened“, indicates the brother-in-law.

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Cathy Dubois
#Death #Tournaisian #restaurateur #Cathy #Dubois #brotherinlaw #revelations

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