Frog Pump Exercise: Strengthen Your Buttocks with Proper Form and Variations

2024-04-07 05:59:40

Include in your work out los frog pumpswhich can be an alternative to the squatslos glute bridges and the hip thrusts. Find out how to do them correctly to work the buttocks.

If you like train y strengthen the buttocksone of the best options is the frog pumpalso know as frog exercise and one alternative at classic squats. It is named following the aforementioned animal due to the position in which it is held. Read on to discover more details regarding his practice and recommendations of experts to include in your training.

What are frog pumps?

Priscilla Burguetea trainer who shares fitness and workout videos on social media, defines frog pump like a variation of the hip thrust o hip thrust. She explains in her account of TikTok that it is a exercise in which the quadriceps and there is a much greater focus on work los buttocks.

Is it better to do frog pumps at the beginning or at the end of the workout?

The personal trainer Nieves Bolós indicates what you can do frog pumps al principle o al final of training. “Is an exercise of pumping“, he explains in a video on the channel YouTube of YoPro Danone. The expert suggests carrying out three series of 20 repetitions of this movement.

Guillermo Nino Gonzálezthe channel’s personal trainer Ninoliftrecommends including the frog pumps in the part final of you routine “for a further stimulus metabolic stress or seek sensation of pumping in your buttocks“.

How to make frog pumps step by step

The channel of Premium Madriddedicated to the world of health and sports in YouTubeshows you the Steps to continue to do frog pumps in the following video:

  • lie down face up.
  • Place the pelvis in light retroversion.
  • keep together las plants of the feet.
  • Elevate the hip without closing the knees y contracts los buttocks.
  • The mistakes you should avoid when making frog pumps

    Below you will find some of the mistakes further common in which one usually falls when doing frog pumpsso you can identify them and try to avoid them:

    • Stretch the back: you should only focus on the movement of the hippoints out Carlos Online Coach. You do not have to arch the zona lumbar when going up.
    • Extender he neck: It is preferable keep the chin close to the chest to don’t look upwhich can lead you to stretch the back.
    • Do partial repetitions: you should try to get him range of the motion sea completesince you touch the ground with the buttocks until you press the maximum at the top making a retroversion from hip.
    • Ward off los pies from hip in excess: in this way, you will be reducing too much range of the movement.
    • Pull apart los pies: you must keep los heels together while you repeat the exercise.

    How many repetitions of frog pumps should be done to strengthen the glutes?

    Ninolift recommends doing the frog pumps in a range of repetitions high: 15, 20, 25 or more if it is possible for you. “With high repetitions, you will achieve to tire los buttocks and properly feel the work in these,” says the trainer. In addition, you will have a different stimulus compared to what you would do with other exercises similar, like glute bridges and the hip thrusts.

    How are frog pumps different from glute bridges?

    Los frog pumps and the glute bridges are two exercises that are frequently used to try to strengthen los buttocks. The main difference between the two is the position in which you have to place the pies. While in the frog pumps the heels they must be stuckin the gluteal bridges they are located on the floor. “Has a hip external rotation much more accentuated. This will make the quadriceps and the hamstrings participate less in the exercise, allowing you focus much more work in to the muscles of the buttocks“, he emphasizes Ninolift when talking regarding frog pumps.

    Variants of frog pumps

    There are different variants of the frog pumps. One of the most common is the one that leads you to support the back in a banco, instead of doing the movement by lying on the floor face up. If you wish increase the endurance exercise, try putting on a elastic band at the height of the knees. To increase the intensityyou must add weight. You can place a barra with a protector or a dumbbell About you hip to make it.

    #infallible #exercise #strengthen #glutes #workout



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