They present a project to punish the promotion of drug culture with prison – La Discusión 2024-04-07 03:52:38

They present a project to punish the promotion of drug culture with prison – La Discusión
 2024-04-07 03:52:38

In order to advance the prohibition of the promotion of the culture of drug trafficking, sexual exploitation and child pornography in order to protect citizens and especially children and adolescents, the deputies of the Social Christian Party, Sara Concha and Francesca Muñoz presented a bill on the matter that punishes those who promote these behaviors with prison.

This, the parliamentarians explained, due to the sustained increase in drug trafficking and organized crime in Chile, “this is a constantly growing phenomenon, whose pernicious consequences hinder the correct and harmonious development of citizens, which includes boys, girls and teenagers.

And along those lines, Concha and Muñoz argued that “in the year 2023, the inhabitants of Chile ranked first internationally in the perception of the increase in crime in their neighborhoods (68%), doubling the world average.” .

According to data provided by the Rights Observatory of the Ombudsman for Children, 38 boys, girls and adolescents died in 2023 due to injuries with firearms, unfortunately the legislators stressed, “this is closely related to the increase in organized crime, including drug trafficking, arms trafficking, homicides, kidnappings, and human trafficking for sexual exploitation, among other violent crimes.”

“Drug trafficking weakens democracy and the rule of law, since, for its expansion, the “cooperation” of government authorities, police and judicial officials is required, among other factors,” they stressed.

In this regard, it is necessary to remember that the Declaration of the Rights of the Child states that: “the child, due to his or her lack of physical and mental maturity, needs special protection and care, including due legal protection, both before and following birth.” . said the PSC deputies.

In this context, it is not advisable that drug culture, sexual exploitation, child pornography, and drug consumption be freely disseminated and promoted under the protection of the State.

For this reason, deputies Sara Cocha and Francesca Muñoz reiterated that “it is essential to punish with prison this type of behavior that directly affects the development of our children and adolescents.”

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