The international summer university celebrates its ten years at the Kanellopoulou museum in Plaka 2024-04-06 14:19:48


Her Friday, April 26 at 12 noonwill be held at the Kanellopoulou Museum (Theorias Street 12) a presentation event of the 10th International Summer University, organized by Laboratory for the Study of Social Issues, Media and Education of the Pedagogical Department of Kindergarten Teachers of the School of Educational Sciences of the University of Ioanninain collaboration with Maliotis Cultural Center of Hellenic College Holy Cross and American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (ACHEPA of America). The program ends under its auspices and with its support General Secretariat of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The 10th International Summer University is dedicated this year to the dissemination and teaching of the Greek language in the American diaspora.

In the unique space of the Museum, which stands out for its great collection of ancient and Byzantine treasures, which highlight the timelessness and unbroken unity of Greek art, the International Summer University will be talked regarding by Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulosformer President of the Republic, Regular Member of the Academy of Athens, Ioannis ChrysoulakisSecretary General of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Anna K. BatistatouChancellor of the University of Ioannina, Professor of the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Nikos Xydakis, pr. Minister of Culture and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Nicoletta Tsitsanoudi-Mallidis, Founder/Director of the International Summer University, Professor of the Pedagogical Department of Kindergarten Teachers, School of Educational Sciences, University of Ioannina.

Greetings will be addressed by Mr. Odysseus ZorasSecretary General of Higher Education Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, Ekaterini PlakitsiMember of the Board of Administration of the University of Ioannina, Professor of the Pedagogical Department of Kindergarten Teachers, School of Educational Sciences, Sirago ChiaraDirector of the National Gallery – Museum of Alexandros Soutsos, Christos MichalakelisPresident of Study in Greece, Professor at Harokopio University, Alexandros PhylaktopoulosPresident College Year in Athens.

From Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Chrysoula KourkountiGeneral Director of Maliotis Cultural and Drake G. BehrakisPresident Marwick Associates.

The event will be coordinated by Ms. Natassa Spagadorou, Journalist CNN Greece. It will be preceded by a short musical tribute (violin: M. Zarafonitis, cello: G. Iovanos) and following the end of the presentation a modest reception will follow.

Top entries from the USA

-Speech of the Archbishop of America, Mr. Hopeful

The 10th International Summer is attended by Ecumenical Patriarchate, Department of Greek Education and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. He will honor the work of the International Summer University and offer a speech the Archbishop of America Mr. Promising. The program also includes Boston University Philhellenes of Boston, the Center for Greek Studies University of Chicago, the Institute of Letters of Rio Of January University, the company of Greek Universities, Study in Greece, but also the National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum. The anniversary event will take place in Boston from May 28 to June 2, 2024, in the cultural events hall of the Maliotis Cultural Center (Brookline).

Researchers from more than 25 Greek and foreign universities

They participate in the program university students teachers and researchers from 25 and most Greek and foreign Universities, research centers and institutes in particular from Harvard University, University of Chicago, Boston University, Brown University, University of Picardie Jules Verne, University of Louvain, Hellenic College Holy Cross, Logos Kolegji Universitar, University of Belgrade, Emmanuel College, Institute of Eastern Mediterranean Studies, Queens College, College Year in Athens, Kallinikeion Institute Hellenic College, Instituto de Letras, Rio de Janeiro University. From Greece, university/researchers from the Universities of Ioannina, National and Kapodistrian Universities, Harokopio, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Aegean, Democritus University of Thrace, Thessaly, Crete, Western Macedonia, Hellenic Open University are participating.

Teachers from Greek schools abroad

The participation of teachers from the Greek expatriate schools is impressive. Teachers from evening community and Greek language charter schools from America, Canada and Europe (Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Carmel, Indiana, Odyssey Charter School District, Delaware“Socrates-Demosthenes” Montreal, St. Nektarios Afternoon School of the Community of St. Nektarios, Roslindale Massachusetts, Apostle State School, London et al.) will present proposals for their development and revitalization in relation to their place in the American educational system, as well as proposals for the teaching of Greek as a language of cultural heritage and as a foreign language. His participation will be central Greek Language and Culture Teaching Center (KE.D.E.G.PO.) of the University of Ioannina.

The presence of the media from Greece and the US diaspora

The organization is supported as communication sponsors by ERT, ERT 2, ERT3, ERT WORLD, the First Program 105.8 and the Voice of Greece, as well as the Parliament channel. In addition, the program supports as a communication sponsor the hybrid platform, ERTFLIX. Communication sponsors are also the Real FMthe Real Newsand real.gras well as the CNN GREECE. Support from the expatriate media is important: National Herald/The National Herald, Greek, Grecian Echoes, New York Greek Public Service Radio COSMOS FM etc.

As part of the program, talk regarding membership of National Herald to the spread of the Greek language in America will be contributed by Mr. T. Kalmoukos. In addition, a meeting of expatriate media journalists in the USA with their colleagues from Athens is being organized, since a large number of journalists from Greece will travel to Boston for the International Summer University. The topic of the meeting will be the presence of the Greek language in the mass media of the diaspora. Among the participating journalists from the diaspora are: Ms. St. Astras (@AstraReport), Ted Demetriades and Nick. Papadogianni (WNTN Radio-1550 AM/Grecian Echoes), St. Taketzis (Greek Public Service Radio of New York COSMOS FM), El. Channel (London Greek Radio), M. Daudaki, Eleftheria Greek newspaper, London) etc.

The participation of the Consulate General in Boston. The expatriate bodies-unions.

The International Summer University will be attended by Mr. S. Tegos, Consul General Bostonwhile his reception is planned Consulate General of Greece in Boston on the occasion of the organization of the program at the Maliotei Cultural Center. From the side of the Greek community, the program will be presented by Mr. B. Kavkas, President, New England Federation of Associations, G. TsoukasPresident of the Greater Hellenic Community of Montreal and B. PapastergiadisPresident of the Greek Community of Melbourne and Victoria.

National Gallery, Behraki Wing – Boston Museum of Fine Arts,

3 exhibitions of works, “Asceticism” N. Kazantzakis

Throughout its journey, the International Summer University, beyond its academic activities, always seeks to leave a wider cultural footprint. This year, the program will begin with a rare audio experience curated by the actor K. Tasos Nousias. Through the “Asceticism” by Nikos Kazantzakis and with a narrative in total darkness, will travel the participants to the unique heritage of the global Greek creator. Throughout the duration of the work of the International Summer University they will operate at the Maliotis Cultural Center 3 exhibitions: exhibition of visual works of the journalist K. T. Lala (“Lala’s World”), exhibition of projects by the Professor and Vice Chancellor of the University of Ioannina K. Guest Bitsika (“Anti-heroes”) and a cartoon exhibition by the cartoonist Mr. St. Stavropoulou (“Sketches – Letters from Greece”). In addition, the story and the offer will be presented of the National Gallery by the President of the Board of Directors K. Ol. Menjafu and the director Mr. S. Ciara. His participation is awaited with great interest K. J. Demetrowho served as its president New York Greek Film Festival. Very important end, is the visit to Boston Museum of Fine Arts, one of America’s greatest museums. His guests K. Dr. G. Behrakisparticipants will be guided to Winga Behraki of the Museum which includes amazing spaces with natural light, innovative screens, interactive experiences and immersive performances of an ancient Greek temple.


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