Agioi Anargyri: What the Sub-Director testified – 2024-04-06 05:50:47

The testimony of the sub-director of the department of Aghii Anargyriabout what happened on the fateful night, when the 28-year-old Sunday was murdered, came to light.

The infuriating thing is that both the duty officer and the deputy director of AT Anargyron did not even ask for the details of the 28-year-old girl. They also didn’t ask for the perpetrator’s details or the description of his external characteristics, so they could send a patrol car outside her house to look for him.

In her testimony, according to ERT, the deputy manager of AT Ag. Anargyron says:

“At some point a girl came with her boyfriend and told us that her ex was bothering her. The duty officer explained to her that she can file a lawsuit or injunction against her ex. When we asked her if he was threatening her or something else, she told us that it was bothering her without specifying the type of disturbance. Of course, this is what I remember as I was not present the whole time. She only asked us if we can accompany her to her house because she thought her ex was waiting for her there. Since there was no patrol car available at the Department, we told her that we can call Immediate Action.”

As the young officer reports, the 28-year-old girl told them that she would get the “100” herself and went down with the young man who accompanied her to the entrance of the department. The deputy commander went to her office and then she says she heard voices in the street.

“I went to my office and after only 2-3 minutes, I heard someone shouting “kill her kill her”. Then we all ran to the ground floor, to the entrance of the Department and saw the girl who was previously on the Service Officer’s desk, lying face down and a “river” of blood running. The girl was briefly conscious, but then not. We called the E.K.A.B., we called the pharmacist from the neighboring pharmacy, where she found that he had no pulse.”

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After a few minutes, the officer reports, the EMS arrived and found the girl dead and took the perpetrator who had injured himself with the same knife. The incident, the police officer says, happened about two meters from the department’s point of view.

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#Agioi #Anargyri #SubDirector #testified

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