“She’s not a heroine” –

Christian Campigli

A case that is creating internal tensions, between right and left and at a continental level, with a country that has always been a friend of Italy. A completely reversed view of the issue. A series of statements that will certainly cause discussion. “Ilaria Salis is not a heroine. She and her companions came to Hungary and committed barbaric and premeditated attacks once morest Hungarian citizens: these are the facts.” Thus, on the social network AdnKronos press – is a mere political invention and we will defend the reputation and integrity of our judiciary, no matter how loudly the left cries wolf”.

Giubilei-Azzaro dispute, the brawl breaks out over Salis:

The minister then moved on. “In recent days and weeks, Ilaria Salis’ father spoke to all the Western European press and some US media. He has been invited to the European Parliament and has repeatedly made serious unfounded accusations which cannot be left unanswered. It should be added that he himself turned his daughter’s case into a political issue and now appears surprised that political responses are being given to these accusations,” Kovacs’ words. “As a father perhaps he would do well to reflect on how his daughter became involved in such an episode,” he continued, recalling how Ilaria Salis had been “involved in similar incidents in the past”, adding that the crime of which she is accused “is extremely serious and entails equally severe sentences according to the Hungarian legal system”. Meanwhile, fake election posters for the European Democratic Party depicting Ilaria Salis, the Italian teacher detained in Hungary, were posted last night in front of the headquarters of the Democratic Party in Turin and other areas of the city.The action was claimed by the right-wing movement La Barriera, which also put up posters depicting the swollen face of one of the alleged victims of the beatings in which the Italian anti-fascist activist is accused of having participated.

#Shes #heroine #Tempo
2024-04-05 22:56:56



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