Giannoulis for Akrita: “These public statements are not the best” – 2024-04-05 20:25:25

Christos Giannoulis MP of SYRIZA – PS, spoke regarding the posts of Elena Akrita, which provoked the reaction of Mareva Mitsotakis, on Action 24 and on the show “The Next Day”

“I have my personal opinion, these public statements on the agenda, which acquire a personal character, are not the best in politics. When you have, unfortunately – and I say this with pain – the political advantage to remain unanswered questions, a lot of lies regarding very important issues” noted Christos Giannoulis.

Another SYRIZA executive, Nikos Karanikas, indirectly but clearly accused the party’s deputy, Elena Akrita, of the latter’s attack on the prime minister’s wife, Mareva Grabovski Mitsotakis.

“Courtesy. Political position

The Misogyny of a woman is a worse phenomenon than the chauvinism of the male falocrat who expresses his misogyny and is not extinguished by any chair, whether academic or parliamentary.

No territory, no collective and status gave the right to misogyny as well as to racism. We messed with the spectacle and we will be eaten by the political appearance of influencerism.

The parliamentary and academic status is one thing and the citizen is another. However, Misogyny is not a policy, and even more so it does not belong to the left. Solidarity. We messed with the apolitical and not with the metapolitical. Unfortunately, the political criterion is not inherited, but is easily swept away.”

Karanikas and Akrita have come into conflict once more when the latter had initially reacted to the meeting of the Parliamentary Group in Spetses. At that time, Nikos Karanikas had written “He is not calling you to have a good time as you are used to – but for work with responsibilities”.

Elena Akrita had answered him at the time “You are not giving up on us, Karanika… my dear boy”.

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