Engineering Students from Plainfield, NJ Create Sustainable Concrete Canoe for Capstone Project

2024-04-05 17:10:12

Kenneth “Rey” Reyes, a fourth-year civil engineering student from Plainfield, New Jersey, worked on one end of the wooden mold constructed from three-quarter-inch finished plywood panels cut to hold wood sheets as thick as two postcards and covered with plastic sheeting.

Once the students unbolted the frame, they separated it into two long halves and gently lowered The Row-Tunda – 16 feet long, 29½ inches wide and weighing 300 pounds – onto plastic-covered foam pads.

Then, students removed the black plastic sheeting that lined it, reassembled the mold, re-lined it with bubble wrap and prepared the canoe for its journey to Blacksburg.

Madison Cannon, a fourth-year civil engineering major from Yorktown, was the mix design co-captain for the capstone team.

“It throws you in and you learn so much so quickly,” Cannon said. “You go through so many iterations of a concrete mix design before you decide which is the most sustainable, strongest, lightest and economically viable mix that you can do. It seemed like a fantastic, hands-on learning opportunity where I might have the chance to eventually present and create a technical proposal for this canoe.”

#Concrete #Canoe #Team #Beats #Rival



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