Local elections 2024. How to vote by correspondence?

Local elections 2024 – when will the vote take place?

In accordance with the Regulation of the Prime Minister of January 29, 2024 on ordering elections to municipal councils, district councils, voivodeship assemblies and district councils of the capital city. Warsaw and the elections of commune heads, mayors and city presidents local government elections will be held on Sunday, April 7, 2024. The second round of local government elections will be held 14 days after the first one, i.e. on April 21, 2024.

Local elections 2024 – who can vote by correspondence?

Pursuant to electoral legislation, the following persons are entitled to vote by post:

  • voters with significant or moderate disability,
  • voters who are 60 years old on the day of voting at the latest.

Local elections 2024 – how to register to vote by correspondence?

The intention to vote by correspondence should be reported to the electoral commissioner. This can be done orally, in writing or electronically using the service on the gov.pl website. However, the deadline for reporting in the case of the April local elections has expired, because according to the electoral calendar it could have been done until March 25, 2024.

Please remember that if a person entitled to vote wishes to vote by correspondence, he or she cannot vote through a proxy.

How is postal voting carried out?

A person who wishes to vote by correspondence receives an electoral package containing, among others, no later than six days before the elections. ballots and declaration. After voting, the card or cards should be placed in the ballot envelope and sealed. Then, sign the declaration and place it together with the envelope with the cards in a return envelope, which also needs to be sealed. You can vote in this way:

  • hand it over to the postman (such intention must be reported to the postman when collecting the electoral package),
  • take it to the post office,
  • take it to your polling station on voting day (give it to a commission member).
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It is worth emphasizing that the envelope containing the postal vote should not be thrown into the ballot box at the polling station.

Local elections 2024 – who do we choose?

In the local elections scheduled for April 7, 2024, we will choose:

  • municipal councilors,
  • district councilors,
  • councilors of voivodeship assemblies,
  • district councilors of the capital city Warsaw,
  • mayors,
  • mayors,
  • city ​​mayors.

The National Electoral Commission educates

The National Electoral Commission has prepared a series of materials devoted to local government elections and intended for voters. Messages, in the form of short instructional videos, were posted, among others, on the official PKW channel on YouTube. They also include material titled “How to vote by post”, which presents the most important information on the topic in a concise two-minute format.

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