Through his announcement the National Radio and Television Council (NRC)announced that he intends to start control regarding the case of the murder of 28-year-old Kyriaki outside the police station of Aghii Anargyri and the way in which the facts and comments regarding the brutal femicide were presented and continue to be presented.
Agioi Anargyri: “She was slowly cut off from everyone… I had seen her, her hands had scars” – The 28-year-old’s aunt is shocking
Femicide in Agios Anargyros: The dialogues following the murder of Kyriaki are shocking – AUDIO DOCUMENT
Also, the National Radio and Television Council will simultaneously examine whether evidence of criminal pretrial proceedings was made public.
Specificallythe ESR announcement states: The National Council of Radio and Television, on the occasion of the method of transmission by the M.M.E. broadcasts concerning the murder of a young woman outside the Police Station of Aghii Anargyro, informs the public that:
According to the current broadcasting legislation, the ESR does not, in principle, have the authority to intervene in the structure and subject matter of radio and television broadcasts before or during their projection. This is considered censorship. The ESR, in compliance with the law, intervenes following the transmission of the broadcasts and if a violation of the applicable legislation is found.
The National Radio and Television Council has already started an audit process for the way facts and comments were presented and continue to be presented regarding the above-mentioned crime (homicide) and the publication of criminal pre-trial data (article 11 par. 6 of Presidential Decree 77/ 2003).
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