Acts of the Apostles: The Healing of the Paralytic by Peter and John

2024-04-04 17:48:03

Reading from the book of Acts of the apostles

Hch 3, 11-26

As the paralytic cured by Peter and John did not move away from them, all the people, astonished, ran towards them to Solomon’s porch. Seeing the crowd, Peter spoke to them:

“Israelites: Why does this cause you admiration and why do you look at us in that way, as if by our power or our virtue we had made this man walk? The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over to Pilate, and whom you rejected in his presence, when he had already decided to set him free. .

They rejected the saint, the righteous, and asked for the pardon of a murderer; They have killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead and we are witnesses of this. The name of Jesus and faith in him is what has strengthened the members of this man whom they are seeing and everyone knows. This faith is what has completely restored his health, as you can see.

Now, brothers, I know that you have acted out of ignorance, in the same way as your leaders; But God thus fulfilled what he had predicted through the mouth of the prophets: that his Messiah had to suffer.

Therefore, repent and convert, so that your sins may be forgiven and the Lord may send you the time of consolation and send you once more Jesus, the Messiah who was destined for you; although he has to stay in heaven until the universal restoration, of which God spoke through the mouth of his prophet from very ancient times.

Indeed, Moses said: The Lord God will raise up from among his brothers a prophet like me. Listen to everything I tell you; Whoever does not listen to the prophet will be expelled from the town. All the prophets, starting with Samuel, also announced these days.

You are heirs of the prophets and beneficiaries of the covenant that God made with your fathers, when he said to Abraham: Your descendants will be a source of blessing for all humanity. For you, first of all, God has raised up his servant and sent him to bless you and help you to turn each one away from his iniquities.’

#Gospel #word #day #April



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