Confindustria is voting today towards the appointment of Orsini

A long letter and the announcement of the step back. Edoardo Garrone decided yesterday morning to leave the race for the presidency of Confindustria. A choice “of responsibility, which costs me a lot”, wrote Garrone, made on the eve of the general council scheduled for today, precisely to vote for Carlo Bonomi’s successor. Based on the consensus obtained and ratified by the three wise men, Mariella Enoc, Andrea Moltrasio, Ilaria Vescovi, two candidates arrived at the vote: Garrone and Emanuele Orsini. At this point Orsini remains in the field and is therefore on his way to becoming number one in Confindustria.

Garrone’s letter…

In the long letter Garrone, president of Erg and the 24 ORE Group, explained the reasons for the choice. «For a strong Confindustria it is necessary first of all to put a candidate in a position to be able to choose his own team and his own structure freely, without any conditioning and negotiation that would make him weak and would sanction his failure from the beginning», wrote Garrone, who in the in the first lines he summarized the aims of his candidacy: «A presidency at the service of Confindustria, and not a Confindustria at the service of the president». Precisely «the choice to put the end before the person requires me to take a step back – he wrote – and to allow Emanuele Orsini to find the ideal conditions to lead Confindustria without conditioning, and to be able to do so with a great sense of responsibility, in the name of a collective goal, much more important than us as individuals.”

.. and that of Orsini

Garrone’s letter was followed by a letter to Orsini’s associates in which he underlined that «the values ​​expressed are the same ones that inspired me when I proposed to lead the system. Tomorrow (today ed) we will go to the vote and it will be important to rally around this unity project. I agree with Edoardo – continues the text – that we will also have to demonstrate to those who may have had doubts the strength and authority of Confindustria”. Orsini, CEO of Sistem Costruzioni and Tino Prosciutti as well as vice president of Confindustria for Credito Finanza and Fisco, listed some principles and values: «loyalty, team spirit, desire to fully restore the role of a Confindustria at the service of businesses and of the growth of the country, commitment to training with our Luiss and independence in our information organ Il Sole 24 Ore. Our responsibility will be great but together we will be able to bring Confindustria back to the credibility necessary to play a role in the country’s choices.”

Returning to Garrone, in an interview with the Ansa agency, he observed that: «Winning at the last vote risks being a Pyrrhic victory, a candidacy not based on a broad consensus necessarily generates a presidency that is the result of compromises, weak, easily influenced , unable to respond to the difficult challenges that await us. I wish the candidate, future president Orsini, a good job.”

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Garrone also focused on the exercise of representation which is «a complex activity, which is not done with approximation, hypocrisy and arrogance», he «imagined a president who respects the autonomy of the Sole 24 Ore and recovers the sovereignty of Confindustria on Luiss”. Commitments for which, in fact, a strong and independent team is needed, respecting everyone because «there is no competition to see who among us is “more manufacturing” than others». To do this, Garrone underlined, the values ​​learned from his father and as a company man, in addition to the associative experience, starting with the Youth of Confindustria, “require me to put the ends before my person and my ambitions”. And so, the step back. The process for Bonomi’s succession began in mid-February, with the appointment of the wise men. There were four candidates at the starting line: Edoardo Garrone, Antonio Gozzi, Alberto Marenghi and Emanuele Orsini. At the general council on April 18th the designated president will present the team, the private meeting which will elect the president is scheduled for May 23rd.

#Confindustria #voting #today #appointment #Orsini
2024-04-04 09:50:34



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