Many women came to excrete challah with the sick mother of the abductee Noa Argamani –

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Praying for a miracle: Natalie Dadon, a model and network host, moved us all when she published on her Instagram page the meeting with the mother of Noa Argamani from Be’er Sheva, who was abducted to Gaza since October 7, and since then her parents, Yaakov and Liora, have been waiting for the long-awaited moment when they will meet once more. Liora Argamani is sick with cancer and her condition has recently deteriorated – that’s why Dadon decided to come all the way to her at the hospital to pray, hug and hold a challah ceremony with many women who came yesterday to pray for the long-awaited moment and her health.

“The picture of Noa Argamani on the motorcycle crying for help while her partner Avinathan Or is being roughly led by the terrorists, has been displayed all over the world since the seventh of October,” Natalie Dadon wrote on her private Instagram. “Noam, the only daughter of Jacob and Liora “celebrated” her 26th birthday in captivity. Since then six months have passed when Liora’s mother’s condition deteriorated due to the illness.”

She also added: “When Liora fell ill, Jacob devoted himself to her care alongside Noa, who managed the medical file, was in contact with the doctors and drove her mother to treatments from Beer Sheva to Tel Aviv and back. Today, along with the grief, was added the fear of Noa’s fate and whether they would meet at all. We prayed together yesterday evening for the return of Challah Noa daughter of Liora and the rest of our sons and daughters, and Rupa Shlomo to Liora daughter of Chava. Pray for miracles.”

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