Uniforms similar to those of the PNC are easily available in stores – 2024-04-03 16:16:34


Uniforms similar to those of the PNC are easily available in stores

In several operations, security forces have seized PNC uniforms, clothing that can be obtained freely and without further control from the authorities.

Sale of PNC equipment and uniforms in front of the General Directorate of that institution. (Free Press Photo: Byron Baiza)

On March 27, an armed commando wearing uniforms like those of the National Civil Police (PNC) attacked prosecutor Miriam Reguero Sosa of the Public Ministry (MP), who was hospitalized in a medical center in the capital, while her mother and one of her bodyguards died at the scene.

In this incident, which occurred in zone 9 of the capital, the criminals posed as PNC agents to circumvent the security of the prosecutor, who has been the victim of two attacks.

The PNC and MP authorities determined that the four men who shot the MP prosecutor were wearing uniforms similar to those of the Police.

An attempt has been made to find out whether the authorities of the Ministry of the Interior and the PNC have security protocols regarding the acquisition of uniforms for the security forces, but it has not been possible to obtain a response.

However, during a tour of zones 1 and 6 of the capital it was determined that obtaining a PNC uniform is not complicated at all and is done through free sale.

During the tour it was determined that the uniforms can be purchased by anyone and the prices range from Q250 to Q450.

There are three stores that offer tactical equipment, accessories and uniforms for all PNC units in front of the General Directorate and the Academy of the institution.

Several people have been captured for illegally using PNC and MP uniforms, for example, in 2019 a sex worker was arrested, in 2022 two alleged gang members were captured, and the most recent case was the arrest of three members of a gang that had vests with MP logos.

The captures were made in the Santa Delfina neighborhood, in zone 2 of Villa Canales, following several raids.

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