Free Beach Volley lessons from ESPEP – 2024-04-03 12:05:36

Free Beach Volley lessons from ESPEP
 – 2024-04-03 12:05:36

E.S.P.E.P. with her announcement, she makes it known that for the 2nd year in collaboration with SFAAP (Association of Friends of Sand Sports of Patras) they are organizing (FREE) Men’s Beach Volleyball preparation classes for the Season 2023-2024, the classes are for Beach Volley, Indoor Volleyball athletes who want to engage in Beach Volleyball in order to take part in the 2023-2024 Panhellenic Championship, in the categories K-17 (2007-2008), K-19 (2006-2007) and K-22 (2003-2005).

The training sessions will be prepared by SFAAP coach Ioannis Petropoulos and his assistants at the KONAN Sand Sports facilities in Demenika in collaboration with the Beach Volleyball department of ESPEP, in case of large participation, a selection will be made of the athletes who will be able to continue in the program.

Dates and times of the trainings will be set later depending on the participation of the athletes and the availability of the fields

Expression of interest and information:

  1. E.S.PE.P.: (Ms. Efi) 2610.270099 – email: [email protected]
  2. SFAAP: (Mr. Giannis) 6936.106673 – email: [email protected]

Participation conditions:

 Athlete health card in force or medical certificate.

 Parental consent for minor athletes.

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#Free #Beach #Volley #lessons #ESPEP

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