2024-04-03 01:43:49
For some time now the scientific community look for the calls ghost particles what they make up our universelas fundamental pieces what allow our existence and that of everything that surrounds us.
In this context, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (more popularly known as CERNfor its acronym in English), is a giant laboratory that seeks to answer What is the universe made of and other questions regarding fundamental nature of matter.
The project will launch on April 8, the same day that the world, but more specifically North America, will be able to enjoy a total solar eclipse. Photo: Special, illustrative and unrelated to the experiment.
With one of his most recent projects, known as SHiPat CERN they are looking reveal the mystery of fundamental particles that make up most of the universe, but that we have not yet been able to locate.
At CERN, the scientific community studies the fundamental particles that make up matteras protons, neutrons and electrons. To do this, they use acceleratorswhich are like giant tunnels where particles are launched at incredible speeds and They collide with each other and break down; those “fragments” son analyzed and studied.
For example, one of his most notable discoveries was the confirmation of the Higgs Bosonalso know as “the God particle”. This achievement even gave them a Nobel prize.
What is the SHip experiment?
Recently some of the members of CERN consider that the particle collision might not be the most effective method for the search of the “ghost particles”. Therefore, they developed a alternativehe SHiP experiment.
This consists of the installation of a kind of “pared” inside of the particle accelerator. There they will collide directly once morest it and They will crash directly into itwhich will cause fragments in smaller and more likely parts with respect to traditional method.
At CERN, the scientific community studies the fundamental particles that make up matter, such as protons, neutrons and electrons. Photo: Artist’s sketch of a microscopic black hole at ATLAS/CERN.
“He detector SHiP is sensitive to both disintegration signatures like those of dispersion for one wide variety of models what they predict weakly acting particlesincluding heavy neutral leptons, dark photons, dark scalars, axion-like particles or light dark matter,” CERN explained, in a statement.
He project will be launched on April 8the same day that the world, although more specifically North Americayou can enjoy a eclipse solar total. It should be noted that There is no direct relationship between the experiment and the astronomical event.
What are ghost particles?
Ghost particles are considered both energy like to the dark matterbecause infers its existencebut we have not been able to verify its presence directly.
In other words, it is theoretical concepts which are explored in detail by their potential to explain the behavior of the universeas the formation of galaxies in massive clusters and the acceleration of space-time expansion.
In this sense, the Dark matter and energy are associated with ghost particles purely for purposes of disclosuregiven that, like these “beings” of fiction or fantasyuntil now it has not been possible to observe them.
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