Bills, from greater protection to bonuses: this is how it works for the vulnerable and fragile

For the bills of vulnerable and fragile people the conditions are different although very often there is a tendency to confuse and use the two terms as if they were synonymous. In the energy market, however, the two categories have different perimeters and supplies with different characteristics. Let’s start with the definition. With the category of vulnerable domestic customers who fall into at least one of the following conditions are identified: 1) are over 75 years of age; 2) they are in economically disadvantaged conditions (for example, bonus recipients) or the user uses life-saving medical equipment powered by electricity; 3) are individuals with disabilities pursuant to article 3 of law 104/92; 4) the user needs an emergency home following calamitous events; 5) the user is located on a smaller, non-interconnected island. The category of fragileon the other hand, falls within the more general definition of vulnerable, but the two definitions do not totally coincide.

The requirements to obtain the relief

For the energy market, in fact, the vulnerable, who are entitled to a discount on their bills (the so-called social bonus), are classified as such based on the ISEE (the indicator of the equivalent economic situation) and the size of the family unit. . To receive it, you must have an ISEE not exceeding 9,530 euros for families with a maximum of 3 dependent children or not exceeding 20 thousand euros for large families with at least 4 dependent children. Furthermore, some requirements related to supply must be respected. In the case of direct supply, the electricity/gas/water contract must be registered in the name of one of the members of the Isee nucleus. If the contract is registered in the name of another person (e.g. homeowner, if the house is rented) the bonus is not recognized. The supply must then have a tariff for domestic use (for the water service it must be resident domestic use) and must be active (meaning that the service is being provided) or temporarily suspended due to arrears. In the case of centralized supply, however, the condominium supply of gas or water is used in living spaces and is active (the service must be in progress). For the water service, another requirement necessary to obtain the bonus is that the unit must be the owner of an active, domestic electricity supply.

How to access the bonus

Up to this point, the conditions for accessing the benefit which is valid only, as mentioned, for households in conditions of economic hardship or, alternatively, for those with physical hardship, i.e. all domestic customers suffering from serious illness or domestic customers with electricity supply where a person suffering from a serious illness lives, requiring the use of electro-medical equipment to maintain life. For these categories, therefore, access to the benefit is granted for 12 months, on a single supply for each type of service (electricity, gas and water). The first step to obtain the bonus, which is paid automatically, is to present the Single Substitute Declaration (DSU) and obtain a below-threshold ISEE certification.

The electricity bonus

As for the amount, the value of the electricity social bonus is quantified by the Authority and depends, as already reiterated, on the number of members indicated in the DSU. The discount applied is the same every month (for the 12 months of the year in which the customer is entitled to it) and, starting from April, it will no longer include the extraordinary contribution that was decided by the government with one of last year’s energy decrees and which was insured until the end of the first quarter of the year. The amount of the bonus, therefore, has returned to ordinary values ​​and, as regards electricity, varies from 142.74 euros for the whole of 2024 for households made up of 1-2 members (11.7 euros as a monthly bonus) from 183 euros for families with 3-4 members (15 euros per month) up to 201.30 euros for large families (over 4 members).

He bonus gas

However, as regards the gas bonus, the check is not the same every month: the discount that families find on their bills is different depending on the season in which it is recognized. In fact, every 3 months the value of the gas bonus changes, and is higher in the winter period when more gas is consumed, and lower in the summer months when consumption is lower. In this way winter bills become “lighter”. The value of the gas social bonus depends on three elements: 1) number of family members indicated in the DSU; 2) use of the gas (domestic hot water and/or food cooking, heating use, or both types of use); 3) climatic zone in which the supply is located. As for electricity, to families who obtained the bonus in 2023 thanks to an ISEE certification whose value was between 9,530 ≤ 15,000 (with less than 4 children among the members) the bonus is recognized at a reduced rate of 80% compared to the ordinary bonus. Since the bonus is recognized for 12 months, for households that in 2024 are still receiving the bonus recognized on the basis of the 2023 ISEE (between 9,530 and 15,000 euros), they will find a value of 80% on their bills. of the overall bonus.

#Bills #greater #protection #bonuses #works #vulnerable #fragile
2024-04-02 08:26:34



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