Bad weather, orange alert in three regions. Who takes risks – Time

The wave of bad weather that is hitting northern Italy will bring more rain and thunderstorms to the central-northern peninsula on Monday 1 April: the Civil Protection has issued an orange alert for hydraulic and hydrogeological risk in some sectors of Valle d’ for Easter Monday. Aosta, Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna and the yellow alert in other areas of these three regions and seven others, Liguria, Piedmont, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Tuscany and Umbria.

This is the detail: MODERATE CRITICALITY DUE TO HYDRAULIC RISK / ORANGE ALERT: Emilia Romagna: Central Emilian mountains, Reggio Emilia plain, Modena plain, Reggio Po plain, Central Emilian hills MODERATE CRITICALITY DUE TO HYDROGEOLOGICAL RISK / ORANGE ALERT: Lombardy: Valchiavenna, medium-lower Valtellina, Varesine lakes and Prealps, Lario and western Prealps, Bergamo Orobie, Milan Hydraulic Hub Aosta Valley: Lower Aosta Valley, from the Montjovet Gorge to Pont-Saint-Martin, Valley of the Chalamy stream, Ayas Valley, Champorcher Valley and Gressoney Valley, Emilia Romagna: Low Piacenza-Parma hill, Piacenza-Parma mountain, High Piacenza-Parma hill, Bolognese plain, Bolognese mountain, Bolognese hill, Piacenza-Parma plain Friuli Venezia Giulia: Isonzo Basin and Plain of Udine and Gorizia, Livenza and Lemene Basin Lombardy: Central Plain, Bergamo Orobie, Hydraulic Hub of Milan Piedmont: Toce, Tanaro Valley, Varaita, Maira and Stura Valleys, Val Sesia, Cervo and Chiusella, Northern Plain of Trentino Alto Adige: Autonomous Province of Trento Veneto: Lower Brenta-Bacchiglione and Fratta Gorzone, Livenza, Lemene and Tagliamento, Alto Brenta-Bacchiglione-Alpone, Piave piedmont, Lower Piave, Sile and basin draining into the lagoon.

ORDINARY CRITICAL ISSUE DUE TO THE RISK OF THUNDERSTORMS / YELLOW ALERT: Lombardy: Central-Western Low Plain, Eastern High Plain, Central Plain, Varesine Lakes and Pre-Alps, Eastern Lakes and Pre-Alps, Pavia Apennines, Lario and Western Pre-Alps, Bergamo Orobie, Western Low Plain, Milan Hydraulic Hub Umbria: Chiani – Paglia , Nera – Corno, Trasimeno – Nestore, Chiascio – Topino, Middle Tiber, Upper Tiber ORDINARY CRITICALITY DUE TO HYDROGEOLOGICAL RISK / YELLOW ALERT: Emilia Romagna: Central Emilian mountains, Piacenza-Parma mountains, High Piacenza-Parma hills, Central Emilian hills, Bolognese mountains, Bolognese hills, Friuli Venezia Giulia: Tagliamento and Torre mountain basins, Livenza and Lemene basins Liguria: Basins Western Maritime Ligurians, Eastern Maritime Ligurian Basins Lombardy: Valcamonica, Eastern Lakes and Prealps, Alta Valtellina Piedmont: Turin Plain and Hills, Cuneo Plain, Toce, Tanaro Valley, Varaita, Maira and Stura Valleys, Sesia Valley, Cervo and Chiusella, Orco, Lanzo and Sangone valleys, Northern Tuscan plain: Serchio-Garfagnana-Lima, Bisenzio and Ombrone Pt, Lunigiana, Reno, Serchio-Lucca, Versilia Trentino Alto Adige: Autonomous Province of Trento, Autonomous Province of Bolzano Aosta Valley: Valley central Aosta, Gran San Bernardo Valley from Aosta to Valpelline, Saint-Barthèlemy Valley and Valtournenche, Northern and North-Western Ridge, Valgrisenche and Valdigne, Cogne Valley, Valsavarenche and Rhemes Valley Veneto: Alto Piave, Alto Brenta -Bacchiglione-Alpone and Piave foothills.

#Bad #weather #orange #alert #regions #takes #risks #Time
2024-04-02 08:16:35



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