The Easter egg hunt is taking place across the four corners of Reunion Island this Easter weekend. Like every year, families try to find the treats left by the bells and the Easter bunnies. This is the case in Saint-Benoît and Saint-Leu, this Sunday March 31, where the children took part in the chocolate hunt at Domaine Coco and at the Parc du 20 Décembre.
Annaëlle Dorressamy / Jonathan Evrard / Cynthia Véron • Published on March 31, 2024 at 4:26 p.m., updated on March 31, 2024 at 7:10 p.m.
This Easter weekend, Reunion Islanders of Christian faith are certainly going to Easter mass, but it is also an opportunity to share a friendly moment with family.
In the four corners of the island, children brought their bucket or basket and enthusiastically searched for hidden chocolates. This is particularly the case at Domaine Coco in Saint-Benoît and at Parc du 20 Décembre in Saint-Leu.
Watch the report from Réunion La 1ère:
Easter: the traditional egg hunt appeals to both young and old
Many people participate in the egg hunt. This activity to share with the family appeals to both young and old.
Several families came to Domaine Coco, an authentic agricultural operation which extends over around ten hectares.
Watch the reactions of the children at Saint-Benoît:
Easter: children go on an egg hunt in Saint-Benoît
The setting is relaxing. Different varieties of sugar cane are grown there. Fruit trees, perfume plants and many other plant species promote “the bucolic setting” from the garden, emphasizes a young mother.
“We hunt eggs in a very nice place. That’s wonderful”exclaims a mother.
Easter 2024 in Reunion: a family egg hunt in Saint-Benoît • ©Jonathan Evrard
As for the kids, the egg hunt in the cane fields is unanimous. “We come to get the chocolates from the canes”, “the eggs are well hidden, so it makes you want to look for them”, “it feels good to share good times like this”, “Even if one of us doesn’t find any eggs, this does not matter. We have a sense of sharing,” they testify, with stars in their eyes.
In Saint-Leu, the atmosphere is more festive. More than 600 children gathered for a pretend egg hunt. It is an original way to “not to have a liver attack”, said a young mother with a smile. But the competition is there. “You have to be the fastest”says a kid.
Easter 2024: family egg hunts in Reunion Island • ©Cynthia Véron
“The eggs are plastic with confetti inside. You have to catch them quickly!“, exclaims a little girl. “We rushed into the pile, and we picked everything up at once. Afterwards, we’re going to share all our eggs,” confides a little boy.
For the most unlucky, the municipal agents of the town of Saint-Leu have provided additional eggs. “My cousin and I were looking for eggs, but there were none left. A gentleman threw some at us. We quickly left to collect them”testifies another kid.
Regardless of the contents of the baskets and buckets, at the end of the hunt, the fake eggs were exchanged for real chocolates for those who wanted to eat them.
Tomorrow, for Easter Monday, there will be egg hunts once more.