European elections: Mitsotakis tour in Kalavryta – 2024-04-01 20:44:35

The country and the parties are on the road to the European elections from the day following the debate in the Parliament and the motion of no confidence of the opposition for the government of the New Democracy.


In the ruling party are determined to proceed with actions to change the political current affairs agenda and will provide a basis for the projection of the reforms that have been implemented or are expected in the near future.

The prime minister’s pre-election tours are also part of the actions for climate change, with the start expected to be in Achaean territory. THE Kyriakos Mitsotakis according to newspaper information “Peloponnese” will find her Tuesday in Kalavryta. Mr. Mitsotakis will be in the mountains of Achaia and his program is expected to be finalized today. It is noted that the prime minister will only visit Kalavrita and there will be no stops in Aigio or Patras. Kalavryta is an area that the prime minister had mentioned several times that he would visit, but the circumstances did not allow him to.

Precursor of the Prime Minister’s presence in Achaia can be considered today’s visit of the Minister of National Defense Nikos Dendias in Patras for an event of the local ND, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the party.

Party officials from Achaia spoke to “P” regarding the next day of the debate in Parliament on the motion of no confidence, as well as the road to the European elections.


THE New Democracy she overcame the debate on the motion of no confidence united, but with the loss of ministers, and can now focus on the election campaign for the June European elections. Preparations have already been made at the level of Achaia, in order to present the work of the party in a structured way, but also the need for the country to remain steadfast on its European path.

The president of DEEP ND Achaia Antonis Kounavis he emphasized to “P”:

“We are proceeding in an orderly manner. Today we have a great anniversary event with invited Minister of National Defense Nikos Dendias who will inaugurate the excellent photo exhibition with moments of the party from 1974 until today. From the next few weeks we will start tours and reach the most remote settlement. It is important to inform everyone regarding the reform work of the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis. We are actively participating in the proceedings and we invite people to come to the polls in June. These are perhaps the most important European elections for the European course of our country”.


To SYRIZA they are looking for momentum ahead of the European elections. They believe that the topic of Tempe should remain in the news, but they are also preparing a series of actions and events. THE new coordinator of the prefectural committee Kostas Kontis stated:

“We got no answers for anything. We knew that the government would not fall, but all this effort to cover up and loss of confidence in the judiciary showed that the impeachment motion had substance. Two ministers resigned. From now on, SYRIZA will request a preliminary investigation committee. ND must commit that Mr. Karamanlis will be referred to Justice. We now have evidence of a cover-up operation and responsibilities on the part of the political leadership. It’s not an accident, it’s a crime because they knew. There is potential deception. At the local level we are preparing to organize events and actions. We will be at the forefront and fully active.”


In the PASOK they believe that the party has begun to turn into a protagonist of developments once more. They estimate that the motion of no confidence was a correct strategic move, in order for the party to regain second place in the polls from SYRIZA and to stop the decline observed in recent weeks.

THE secretary of the prefectural committee of Achaia of PASOK, Nikos Moiralis he emphasized to “P”:

“It appeared that the initiatives in the area of ​​the center-left are taken by PASOK. The political supremacy of the party must be reflected in the opinion polls and in the European elections. Let’s not forget that PASOK actually hurt New Democracy and the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the last two years. First with the removal of Gr. Dimitriadis, then with the lists of Asimakopoulos and now with the eating of Bratakos and Papastavros. PASOK challenges the ND, brings developments and plays a leading role.”


For KKE there is a one-way street that they must continue to follow. The only way of the constant questioning of the policies that are implemented, but also the opposition to the essence of the issues that concern society.

THE Nikos Karathanasopoulos, parliamentary representative and Member of Parliament for Achaia, KKE write down:

“We will continue to exercise substantial opposition to the government of the New Democracy through the development of struggles and mobilizations. We have before us the strike of April 17, but also the mobilizations for May 1. We will contribute to continue popular intervention for Tempe and the overall issues that concern the people, such as punctuality, high taxation, health, education, rural and new generation issues. In the run-up to the European elections, the responsibilities of EU politicians for exacerbating the problems facing society will come into focus. There is a need to increase the current of questioning in these policies, but also the parties that support them”.


In Greek solution they insist on high tones and an accusatory style. THE former MP Yiannis Lainiotis stated:

“The last days of Pompeii for the Maximus Palace system! After the revelations of Kyriakos Velopoulos in the Parliament, the country moves to the next day of turning the page. The corrupt and convoluted government edifice is now creaking. The tyrannical government of Tempe’s crime cover-up, scandals, corruption, entanglement, exactitude, poverty, hunger, over-taxation, lies, arrogance and arrogance is in a panic. It is not only soaked in lies and mud, in which it willingly “rolls”, but also in the blood of the innocents of Tempe, which the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis has in its hands. The resignation of the two first-class ministers proves that the government is in constant vertigo, which leads mathematically to its collapse, as it is no longer able to control developments. When we hear governments complaining, “entanglement”, “business interests”, “publishing interests”, “organized financial interests”, that they are behind the attempt to destabilize the government, then for this government the countdown has already begun. The next polls and finally the upcoming European elections in June will be the proof of what I said”.


THE New Left believes that the government has a difficult road ahead of it. THE Member of Parliament Sia Anagnostopoulou write down:

“The first thing that came out of the motion of no confidence was a crack in the government. It seemed strange that the government, which operated for five years with arrogance and an establishment mindset, is meeting a social opposition and a political opposition that can rally on major issues. The road to the European elections is certainly difficult for the government, but it is also a test for the parties of the progressive space. As much as they can inspire confidence and seriousness in the democratic world of this desperate country.”

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