5+1 ways to deal with them effectively – 2024-04-01 20:43:34

Spring along with blooming flowers brings with it runny nose, itchy and watery eyes to all allergy sufferers.

The allergies they occur when the immune system mistakenly recognizes normally harmless substances, such as pollen. He sees them as a threat and tries to fight them. The congestion you face in the spring is essentially your immune response, fighting what it perceives as danger.

And while spring allergies may make you want to stay indoors until summer comes, with the right preparation you can enjoy this time of year as well. Here are 6 ways that can help you deal effectively with spring allergies.

1. Monitor the daily amount of pollen in the air

If you suffer from spring allergies, you know what to expect around this time of year. However, the severity of allergy season can vary from year to year and depends on where you live.

Spring allergies are usually caused by mold and pollen and can fluctuate with the weather. For example, trees are fertilized earlier during a warmer than usual winter season. Apps and sites can inform you regarding the pollen levels in the area where you live. By checking pollen levels regularly, you can predict when spring allergies may be severe.

2. Start your spring allergy meds early

No matter where you live, experts recommend starting your allergy medication regarding a month before spring arrives. In any case, make sure you get the appropriate medication immediately if you start showing allergy symptoms.

3. Avoid outdoor spaces as much as possible

While it may be tempting to open the windows or enjoy the great outdoors as the weather warms, hold off. At least for the days when pollen levels in the atmosphere are high. And if you do go out, be sure to change your clothes and take a bath, to remove allergens you may have brought home. If you have pets that play outside, also make sure they stay clean so they don’t transfer pollen to their fur.

Allergies: 5+1 ways to deal with them effectively

Pexels: Cottonbro Studio

4. Clean the air contidion filters and say yes to an ionizer

Make sure to regularly clean the air contidion filters in your home, especially during the season when your allergies are at their peak, to reduce the number of allergens in the air you breathe. If possible, invest in an air ionizer that traps harmful particles, such as pollen, in its filters and recirculates clean indoor air.

5. Spring allergies need their washes

It may not be your favorite thing in the world, but saline nasal washes can really help relieve your allergy symptoms. Be sure to use distilled (salt-free) or sterile water, or boiled and cold tap water, to avoid possible serious infections. Just like you can wash the pollen out of your car, you can also wash the pollen out of your nose to reduce your exposure to it.

6. Talk to your doctor

If you’ve tried avoiding allergens and taking over-the-counter medications but still can’t find relief, talk to your doctor. You may need skin tests or blood tests to find out exactly which allergens are causing your symptoms.

According to ladylike, a doctor may also recommend a series of allergy shots, which is an individually targeted treatment that retrains the immune system to ignore the allergen that’s bothering you.

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