April Payment Schedule: CAF, Retirement, Unemployment – Dates and Details

2024-04-01 09:24:34

Like every month, the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), France Travail as well as all the other organizations responsible for paying the various benefits will proceed with the sending according to a very precise schedule. It is therefore necessary to take stock.

For retirees from the general scheme, basic pensions are generally sent on the 9th of each month. When this date coincides with a public holiday or a weekend, it is shifted or brought forward by one up to three days. For this month of April, the basic pension will be paid to retirees on Tuesday April 9. No delay planned therefore, but next month’s will take place on May 7. This is in fact what the retirement insurance indicates on its site. For good reason, May 8 is a public holiday.

For retirees who receive a supplementary pension from the Agirc-Arrco scheme, payments are generally made on the 1st of each month. For this month of April, shipment cannot be made on the 1st of the month, because it is a public holiday, payments will be made on April 2. Moreover, those of May and June will also experience a delay. According to the Agirc-Arrco calendar, pensions for May and June will be paid on May 2 and June 3 respectively.

CAF, France Travail and Crous

Concerning unemployment benefits, these are paid according to the date of updating of the professional situation of each beneficiary. For those registered with France Travail and who have still not completed this process, they have until April 15 to do so. As for the payments of these unemployment benefits, they start from April 2. In addition to job seekers, students benefiting from scholarships paid in 10 monthly installments will receive the April one on the 5th of the month.

As for the Family Allowance Fund, it pays its various aids on the 5th of each month. Just like basic retirement pensions, CAF benefits can also be postponed when the 5th falls on a public holiday or weekend. For this month of April, no delay in sight. The aid will indeed be paid on the 5th, which will fall on a Friday.

Remember, moreover, many benefits paid by CAF will change from this month of April. Indeed, several aids such as the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), the active solidarity income (RSA) or the activity bonus will benefit from an increase of 4.6%. But it is necessary to specify that recipients will not notice any changes in the aid received in April. It is in May that the increase will be observed by the beneficiaries.

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