King Charles III reappears in public at the Easter Sunday mass | International

It has been a delicately planned moment, to overcome weeks of instability and crisis in the public image of the British monarchy. Charles III, suffering from cancer and still under treatment, went this Easter Sunday to St. George’s Chapel, on the grounds of Windsor Castle, to participate in the traditional religious service. It was the first time in a long time that the king participated in person at a public event, although the flow of photos, videos or recorded audio that Buckingham Palace has distributed since the disease was announced in early February has been constant, with the purpose of making it clear that the monarch had not abandoned the daily dispatch of state affairs.

Accompanied by the queen consort, Camilla, Charles III arrived at the chapel aboard an official vehicle. Traditionally, the royal family makes the short journey between the castle premises and the religious grounds on foot, which takes no more than four minutes. Doctors recommended that the monarch restrict his public outdoor activity as much as possible and his contact with other people during treatment, to avoid possible infections. In fact, as his communications team had previously reported, the king sat apart from the rest of the entourage during the religious service at St. George’s.

Upon arrival, dressed in a navy blue cloth coat, Charles III wanted to smile and greet the dozens of curious onlookers gathered a few meters away, in Windsor. And he was leaving the religious service when the monarch decided to approach them to shake several hands and chat with some of them. He has traveled several cordoned-off meters, and has allowed photos to be taken by all the citizens who have been waiting since early in the morning. A gesture interpreted by many as an attempt to recover some semblance of normality in the king’s activity.

Charles III and Camilla greeted the people gathered outside St. George’s Chapel, in Windsor, this Sunday.Hollie Adams (AP/ LaPresse)The Dukes of Edinburgh, Edward and Sophia, arrive at St. George’s Chapel, in Windsor, this Sunday.NEIL HALL (EFE)King Charles III, leaving the chapel, this Sunday. Hollie Adams (AP)Prince Andrew (in the center), with Sarah Ferguson and Princess Anne.NEIL HALL (EFE)King Charles III, accompanied by the queen consort, Camilla, outside the chapel.Hollie Adams (AP)The kings, Charles III and Camilla, greet dozens of curious onlookers gathered a few meters away, in Windsor. Hollie Adams (WPA/ Pool/ Getty Images)

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Kate Middleton’s absence

Unlike other years, the princes of Wales, William of England and Catherine (Kate Middleton), have not attended the chapel. The princess announced 10 days ago, through a video, that she also suffered from cancer and was undergoing “preventive chemotherapy” treatment. She thus put an end to the cataract of speculation and conspiracy theories about her whereabouts and state of health that emerged on social networks and in some media outlets.

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The drastic reduction in the number of active members of the royal family has caused the king’s brother, Prince Andrew, condemned to public and social ostracism for his turbulent relationship with the American billionaire and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, to regain some presence on the front line in some events. This Sunday it was clearly seen in the religious service intended to strengthen the image of Charles III in front of the citizens.

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