Shocking Rescue: 23-Year-Old Victim of Labor Exploitation Saved in Corral de Bustos

2024-03-31 23:35:20
The 23-year-old victim was rescued following six months of labor exploitation

The aberrant story took place in the Cordoba town of Corral de Bustos. In the midst of a routine procedure carried out by the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP), a rapid operation was launched to rescue a 23-year-old woman of Bolivian nationality who was a victim of labor trafficking for six months. There was also a detainee: the young woman’s uncle, who had brought her from her native country, taking possession of her documents and preventing her from going out on the street.

Specialized personnel from the General Directorate of Social Security Resources (DG SESO) of AFIP were carrying out a staff survey last Tuesday in a clothing store where two employees worked. During the procedure, the professionals noticed that one of them was nervous, that she tried to evade the questions and might not find her documentation, according to sources in the case informed Infobae.

It was at that moment when they raised suspicions and acted accordingly: they paused the survey and quickly notified the Department of Coordination Against Illegal Work – also belonging to the AFIP -. In this way, the operation began to elucidate the case.

It was a joint effort that included operations from Corral de Bustos – the town belonging to the department of Marcos Juárez, where 12 thousand inhabitants live and where the case was detected -, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Río Cuarto, Villa María, Bell Ville and Córdoba capital. The different areas involved, located in different parts of the country, acted jointly in this procedure that led to a rescue and an arrest.

The event occurred in Corral de Bustos, a town in the department of Marcos Juárez

According to what this media learned, something that caught the attention of the AFIP members was that there was a camera in the premises that was pointing “at all times” the woman’s workplace.

Once the inspection personnel left the place, almost immediately, the second of the employees communicated to reveal the truth: it was a 23-year-old girl who had been brought from Bolivia, her country of origin, six years ago. months; and that she had not dared to testify out of fear.

The victim is 23 years old and is from Bolivia. Credit: Villa María Vivo

The author of this macabre plot had been her own uncle, who would have taken possession of her documents – which following a period of time expired – and who would not have let her leave more than once in six months. What’s more, he would have threatened the victim so that she would not say anything regarding what was happening. “The exploiter, the victimizer, was the uncle,” they confirmed from the AFIP.

Furthermore, the perpetrator would have promised his niece countless times to travel to Rosario to renew her documents and return to her country. However, this would never have happened. Added to this is the fact that the victim was forced to work from Monday to Monday, without a single day of rest.

On Wednesday, the next day since this story was discovered, the Department Against Illegal Labor made the corresponding complaint to the Rescue Office. Subsequently, he contacted the National Gendarmerie to organize the operation.

The victim would have gone out on the street only once and worked from Monday to Monday. Credit: Villa María Vivo

The Federal Court of Bell Ville intervened in the case. By that time, the prosecutor had already resolved the measure to move forward with the case: a raid on the business scheduled for last Thursday. That is to say, the entire operation to free the young woman and catch the alleged perpetrator lasted, in total, three days.

The local media Villa María Vivo stated that during the procedure more than one million pesos in cash, computers, cell phones and documentation were seized.

According to sources consulted by this medium, the City of Buenos Aires analyzed how to access the victim so that she might tell her version, since she was “very closed” as a result of the threats she received from her uncle, which which had generated a lot of fear. In this sense, once they were able to listen to the young woman, they were able to learn that she had traveled with her uncle through a border crossing from Bolivia and confirmed that, since then, she had only gone out once.

Finally, the victim decided to “come to the rescue.” Likewise, she was transferred to the Comprehensive Women’s Center, in the city of Córdoba, to receive psychological support and the necessary help to be able to return to her native country.

In the raid they seized more than one million pesos, documentation, cell phones and computers. Credit: Villa María Vivo

For his part, acting federal judge Carlos Arturo Ochoa was the one who ordered the arrest of the suspect for alleged crimes linked to human trafficking.

For potential victims, the AFIP makes different forms of communication available. Those who report can do so anonymously. In this sense, those who are in a dangerous situation can contact them by telephone at 0800-999-3368 (option 3), or by email by writing

#rescued #23yearold #woman #victim #labor #trafficking #Córdoba



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