Essential Nutrients for Ovarian Anti-Aging: Nutritionists’ Guide to Prevent Amenorrhea and Infertility

Essential Nutrients for Ovarian Anti-Aging: Nutritionists’ Guide to Prevent Amenorrhea and Infertility

2024-03-31 16:00:01

Ovarian aging causes amenorrhea and infertility! Nutritionists disclose essential nutrients for anti-aging (Illustration/Getty Image)

Many girls are afraid of signs of aging appearing on their faces, so they work hard to take care of themselves to look younger! But in fact, what girls need to take better care of is their “ovaries”, because in recent years, there are more and more cases of ovarian aging in young women. In severe cases, it can cause amenorrhea and infertility! Therefore, nutritionist Gao Minmin recently disclosed the must-eat nutrients to help the ovaries fight once morest aging, as well as the lifestyle habits to maintain a healthy ovary, so that you can look younger from the inside out!

Text/Y editor picture source/Getty Image,Gao Minmin nutritionist instagram



▶Causes and symptoms of ovarian aging

▶4 must-eat nutrients for ovarian anti-aging

▶4 good habits to help the ovaries resist aging

STEP1: First, let’s understand what are the causes and symptoms of ovarian aging?

Premature ovarian failure, also known as primary ovarian insufficiency, means that the decline of ovarian function occurs before the age of 40. However, in most cases, no clear cause can be found for premature ovarian failure. However, some conditions are related to premature ovarian failure, such as:

STEP1: First, let’s understand what are the causes and symptoms of ovarian aging?  (Illustration/Getty Image)STEP1: First, let’s understand what are the causes and symptoms of ovarian aging?  (Illustration/Getty Image)

STEP1: First, let’s understand what are the causes and symptoms of ovarian aging? (Illustration/Getty Image)

After understanding the possible causes of premature ovarian failure, let’s take a look at the symptoms of premature ovarian failure? In fact, premature ovarian failure means reduced fertility. As the concentration of hormones decreases, it will also lead to the following problems:

  • accelerated bone loss

  • vaginal dryness

  • Delayed menstruation or amenorrhea

  • Insomnia

  • Hot flashes and night sweats

Symptoms of premature ovarian failure include: accelerated bone loss, vaginal dryness, delayed menstruation or amenorrhea (Schematic diagram/Getty Image)Symptoms of premature ovarian failure include: accelerated bone loss, vaginal dryness, delayed menstruation or amenorrhea (Schematic diagram/Getty Image)

Symptoms of premature ovarian failure include: accelerated bone loss, vaginal dryness, delayed menstruation or amenorrhea (Schematic diagram/Getty Image)

STEP2: Let’s take a look at the 4 nutrients you must eat for ovarian anti-aging

Premature ovarian failure is the same as people getting older. Once the aging phenomenon occurs, we can’t stop or reverse it, but don’t be discouraged. We can still rely on acquired efforts to slow down the speed of aging. The following is the nutritionist Gao Minmin It is recommended to eat more of 4 nutrients to help the ovaries delay aging!

There are many benefits for women to supplement more soy isoflavones, because soy isoflavones are very effective in improving menopausal phenomena such as hot flashes and insomnia. It is recommended to drink soy milk and eat edamame, because soy products are rich in soy isoflavones and can also Antioxidant, great for delaying aging!

Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: soy isoflavones (schematic/Getty Image)Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: soy isoflavones (schematic/Getty Image)

Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: soy isoflavones (schematic/Getty Image)

Inositol and folic acid are what we often call vitamins D8 and B9! These two nutrients are water-soluble vitamins, which can improve irregular ovulation and increase the number of mature eggs. Because they are water-soluble nutrients, they will be excreted in the urine, so it is recommended to eat green vegetables and whole grains every day. Food to supplement, such as oatmeal is a very good choice!

Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: myo-inositol and folic acid (Schematic/Getty Image)Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: myo-inositol and folic acid (Schematic/Getty Image)

Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: myo-inositol and folic acid (Schematic/Getty Image)

Many women take Coenzyme Q10 to fight aging, because the antioxidant capacity of Coenzyme Q10 can delay cell aging and protect collagen. Some studies have found that Coenzyme Q10 can help prevent wrinkles, improve egg quality, and maintain healthy female functions. , usually we can supplement it by taking olive oil and nuts.

Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: Coenzyme Q10 (Schematic/Getty Image)Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: Coenzyme Q10 (Schematic/Getty Image)

Ovarian anti-aging nutrients: Coenzyme Q10 (Schematic/Getty Image)

Vitamin D3 can promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, prevent osteoporosis, enhance immunity, fight inflammation, and maintain the normal operation of muscles and nervous systems. It is an indispensable nutrient. Highly sensitive nutritionists recommend eating tuna, shiitake mushrooms, Milk… If you eat this kind of food, you can also go out in the sun when the weather is nice to enhance the absorption of vitamin D3!

Ovarian anti-failure nutrients: Vitamin D3 (Schematic/Getty Image)Ovarian anti-failure nutrients: Vitamin D3 (Schematic/Getty Image)

Ovarian anti-failure nutrients: Vitamin D3 (Schematic/Getty Image)

STEP3: Finally, let’s learn regarding good anti-aging habits in daily life.

Of course, in addition to the above nutrients, if you want to help your body stay healthy and resist aging, you must also develop good habits in your daily life. The following four are thoughtful reminders from nutritionist Gao Minmin. If you follow them, not only will your ovaries be able to resist aging, but your body will also be healthy!

STEP3: Finally, let’s learn regarding good anti-aging habits in daily life (Image/Getty Image)STEP3: Finally, let’s learn regarding good anti-aging habits in daily life (Image/Getty Image)

STEP3: Finally, let’s learn regarding good anti-aging habits in daily life (Image/Getty Image)

  • Get enough sleep: Sleeping well can reduce the body’s stress hormones and increase the secretion of anti-aging hormones. Therefore, if you want to fight aging, it is recommended to avoid staying up late and sleep at least 6 to 8 hours a day.

  • keep up the good mood: It’s not unreasonable that people who frown all day long look older! Because research has confirmed that mental state does affect physical aging. People who are optimistic and positive and relaxed are more likely to become younger; those who are often stressed and think negatively are more likely to become older. Therefore, it is important to relieve stress appropriately and find ways to make yourself happy.

Staying in a good mood will make you younger and more energetic (Illustration/Getty Image)Staying in a good mood will make you younger and more energetic (Illustration/Getty Image)

Staying in a good mood will make you younger and more energetic (Illustration/Getty Image)

  • moderate exercise: Muscle contraction during exercise will generate heat energy and accelerate the heartbeat. The rising temperature and blood flow will accelerate cell metabolism and provide more nutrients to surrounding tissues, which can help the body and skin resist aging and provide high-sensitivity nutrition. The teacher also particularly recommends aerobic exercise such as swimming!

  • mediterranean diet: The Mediterranean diet, which is highly recommended by many nutritionists, can achieve anti-aging effects through a healthy diet! You can use a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes as your base, use olive oil as your main cooking oil, eat more fish and seafood, and eat less red meat and processed meat!

The Mediterranean diet, which is highly recommended by many nutritionists, can achieve anti-aging effects through a healthy diet!  (Illustration/Getty Image)The Mediterranean diet, which is highly recommended by many nutritionists, can achieve anti-aging effects through a healthy diet!  (Illustration/Getty Image)

The Mediterranean diet, which is highly recommended by many nutritionists, can achieve anti-aging effects through a healthy diet! (Illustration/Getty Image)

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#Ovarian #aging #amenorrhea #infertilityNutritionist #reveals #musteat #nutrients #antiaging



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