At all the services of the Central Macedonia Region – 2024-03-31 19:36:14

The services provided to the public by the Region of Central Macedonia are becoming fully digital, as the regional governor Apostolos Tzitzikostas mentioned, speaking at the 18th Polyconference “Innovation & Development”, organized by

“The Region of Central Macedonia – we are announcing this in a few weeks – will be the first region of the country to be included in almost all of the services it provides to citizens, businesses and professionals. 300 services have already joined, within the next few weeks another 300 will join, bringing us to 600 services – almost all of the services provided, which will be provided online.

No more at the counters, no more inconvenience, no more wasted time”, said Mr. Tziziostas, while at the same time he noted that “the Regional Council passed a few days ago the abolition of all the reimbursable fees paid by businessmen, professionals and citizens to the Region’s services of Central Macedonia”, so “we reduce costs, save resources, save human resources and throw them into stimulating entrepreneurship, creating the conditions to achieve the notorious development in our country and improving living conditions for all our fellow citizens”.

Referring to the financing of projects through European funds, the regional governor said that the new NSRF was presented yesterday to the 38 mayors of Central Macedonia. “It will be resources that exceed 1.5 billion euros for Central Macedonia in the coming years, for all the actions and projects that we plan and implement together. We are already in Greece first at the starting line, we have already raised applications for half of the NSRF, i.e. regarding 800 million euros, they have already been posted as invitations and we have already accepted 1/3 of these resources”, he explained.

He also referred to ThessINTEC, describing it as a “flagship project that will change the whole story and the efforts we make for innovation”, citing at the same time evidence for the support of innovation actions by the Region. “As a Region, we have allocated resources amounting to one billion euros in recent years to support entrepreneurship. During the coronavirus period alone, we allocated €200 million to support our businesses with a non-refundable payment, saving 7,500 businesses and securing 25,000 jobs. We directed another 800 million to support innovation, to make our businesses more outward-looking, to upgrade technologically, to become more competitive.”

Thanks to these initiatives, as he added, the Region of Central Macedonia is recorded through official data in the top 10 of the fastest growing regions in Europe in the field of innovation, while last year the GDP in the region increased by 9%, 70,000 new jobs were created in the last five years , exports to Central Macedonia increased by 18%, reaching 6.2 billion euros.

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