Edoardo Galli, the 16-year-old from Colico (Lecco) who disappeared on March 21st and was found this morning at Milan Central Station, had gone east, arriving as far as Montenegro. The young man, following the activation of all channels of international police cooperation by the Carabinieri of the provincial command of Lecco, was checked on the night of March 27th by the Croatian police at the Karasovici-Sutorina border with Montenegro. Having discovered himself, Edoardo returned to the Italian national territory where he was recognized by a couple thanks to the diffusion of the images extrapolated by the carabinieri in recent days and released by the judicial authority.

“We are very happy, the best thing is that Edoardo is back. He is very well, he already had the ticket for Colico in his hand”. Alessandro Galli, the boy’s father, said it in front of a forest of cameras at the Central Station. “I thank the police and all the people who helped us during this terrible week”, added the man, leaving the station’s Polfer offices with his wife. If Edoardo was in Eastern Europe, as is rumoured, “we are not aware of it and it is the thing that interests us the least – Edoardo’s father explained to journalists – the important thing is that he stays here and is well. I have I’m done crying at this moment, we’ve been seeing him for five minutes. He too was very excited to see us once more.”
#version #turns #upside #Tempo
2024-03-31 13:20:52