2024-03-30 06:30:00
« I’m 17 years old and I’m 75 A, will my breasts still grow? », worries a young girl on a forum. “ I’m 14 years old and I do 100 B », Retorts another. There breast size is a recurring question among adolescent girls and often causes concern. Fear of being “flat as a flounder” or on the contrary fear of being made fun of for having too generous breasts. In France, women have a chest measurement of between 90 and 95 cm. A size that fluctuates depending on hormonal variations et pregnancies…
8, 9 or 10 years old: at what age do breasts start to grow?
The chest begins to develop around the age of 9/10a few years before the first period.
The development of the mammary gland is one of the first signs of puberty. Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist.
According to the Tanner classification – which defines the different stages of pubertal development – an increase in breast volume before the age of 8 is a sign of early puberty and requires consultation with a health professional.
What is a breast bud?
A breast bud is usually the first sign of puberty. It manifests itself by the lifting of the nipple, sometimes only on one side at first, and the enlargement of the areola. “ The development of the breast bud is often asymmetrical and can sometimes be sensitive or even painful in little girls, which worries mothers.confirms Dr. Odile Bagot. It is accompanied by the appearance of the first pubic hairs and occurs a few years before the arrival of menstruation. »
At what age does breast growth stop? After the first period appears?
Increase in breast volume is the first stage of puberty in girls. “ It generally lasts two to three years, then the second stage occurs which is the appearance of periods.specifies the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF). The average age of first period is 12.5 years. They are due to the fall of the wall of the uterus which has grown under the influence of estradiol. » Breasts develop during the pubertal phase until they reach their “final” size around the age of 18.
What is puberty? How do I know if it’s finished?
Puberty is transition period between childhood and adulthood. It generally begins around the age of 10 and ends at menarche, that’s to say with the arrival of the first period in the young girl. “ Puberty lasts on average 4 yearsspecifies the National College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians. It includes the development of secondary sexual characteristics, the acquisition of reproductive functions, the acceleration of the growth rate, the increase in the corpulence index and is accompanied by psychological modifications. » L’puberty age depends on genetic and environmental factors, particularly nutrition and energy expenditure. “ Children from black Africa or obese children have earlier puberty than children in the general population. A negative energy balance with a lack of food intake and/or excessive physical expenditure, or a lack of sleep delays the age of onset of puberty. »
How does the chest change with age?
The volume of women’s breasts changes depending on hormonal variations. There are three main periods.
Puberty : breasts develop during the puberty phase. “ The mammary gland will grow under the effect of estrogen until it acquires a relatively stable size.recalls the gynecologist. Then, breast volume may fluctuate depending on weight variations or upon initiation of oral contraception.. »Pregnancy and breastfeeding : pregnancy and the breastfeeding period generally impact the size of the chest quite significantly. “ Continuous estrogen impregnation, especially at the start of pregnancy, will increase the volume of the breasts sometimes significantly.confirms the specialist. During breastfeeding, the breasts will also enlarge due to the flow of milk. Then, the lobules which supplied the milk will return to their previous size and the breasts will tend to sag. »Premenopause and menopause : the menopausal transition phase, marked by more or less significant hormonal variations depending on the woman, can have repercussions on the breasts, notably tension and pain. “ Finally, overweight postmenopausal women often observe an increase in the size of their breasts, continues Dr. Bagot. This is linked on the one hand to the increase in the fatty component of the breast but also to a peripheral secretion of estrogens which will stimulate the gland itself and unfortunately expose patients to an increased risk of breast cancer. »
Breasts too small or too large in adolescents: when to consult?
Breast size can worry, or even make you self-conscious, young girls. “ In my practice as a gynecologist, I have noticed that breast size has tended to increase among adolescent girls over the last two decades, probably linked to our exposure to endocrine disruptors.confides Dr. Bagot. Besides, today it is not uncommon to see real breast enlargements among young girls. I even had one of my patients operated on at the age of 14. »
Besides the’breast hypertrophy which is corrected very well by reducing the mammary gland through surgery, young girls may also complain ofhypomastie. « Hypomastia is characterized by insufficient breast development, that is to say very little chest. We also sometimes observe so-called tuberous breasts due to a congenital morphological anomaly which gives them a characteristic cone or tube shape. Finally, amastia, which is very rare, is the complete absence of breasts in women. », concludes the specialist. Malformations which can be corrected by the installation of breast prostheses.
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