Femicide Investigation: Arrest Made in Maipú Commune

Femicide Investigation: Arrest Made in Maipú Commune

2024-03-30 23:32:17

The Western Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Police (PDI) announced that the discovery of the lifeless body of a 32-year-old pregnant woman inside a house in the commune of Maipú corresponds to a femicide.

In the first instance, this hypothesis might not be established because the place was altered. And following the procedures carried out by the Homicide Brigade (BH) and the Criminalistics Laboratory, the participation of third parties was confirmed, which is why the woman’s cohabitant was arrested.

Deputy Commissioner Felipe Ortiz, of the BH Metropolitana, said that “the victim sustained various injuries from sharp weapons attributable to third parties. In this way, the crime of femicide was established, for which (…) it was possible to verify that the person accused of the incident would correspond to his partner,” according to Emol.

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The parents of the accused are arrested

Meanwhile, prosecutor Patricio Rosas indicated that the woman and the accused lived with his parents, who were also arrested as alleged accomplices to the femicide and for allegedly helping to clean the scene of the event.

“What is being investigated is not only the circumstances of the incident, but also what happened subsequently, in terms of cleaning the site of the event, contaminating it in this way or introducing distorting elements that attempted to divert the line of investigation,” said the prosecutor. .

Finally, Rosas reported that the accused had previous convictions for acts of domestic violence, but with partners he had previously, a record that will be considered when it is formalized.

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