European distinction for the University of Economics 2024-03-30 21:08:02

Part of its success is the fact that this list was compiled by students and young people who spoke regarding their experiences at respective centers across Europe and awarded 69th place to the University Innovation Centre, ACEin. Another recognition for the Center is the fact that there were also recommendations from external experts, such as investors, entrepreneurs and academics.

“It is an important recognition, as we see that the 10-year project is having results. And even more importantly, students and young entrepreneurs gave us this distinction for the first time”, he says to “ET”. the manager of the center, Angeliki Karagiannakis.

For all

But what exactly does the Center do and who can get support from it?

With three different axes addressed from high school students to researchers, the center is addressed not only to OPA students but also to every young entrepreneur who wants to develop his idea and run a business. The role of the Center is both auxiliary and educational, as it offers support at all stages: from making an idea a reality to seeking funding from large financial funds (venture capitals).

In previous years, more than 500 groups have received support from the Center, while some of them have reached the stage of being financed to create a sustainable startup.

The first axis concerns high school students. Every year following the Pan-Hellenic exams, approximately 90 students from all three high school classes from all over Greece participate in a summer entrepreneurship school. In fact, for those students who come from other parts of Greece, the university also takes care of their accommodation during the period of participation in the program. “We divide the children into groups that develop ideas and in essence teach soft skills that are critical for the viability of a business. Through educational programs we help young people learn to cooperate, to conflict, to manage a crisis. Through their participation in groups, students develop their skills in an experiential way”, explains Mrs. Karagiannaki.

In a second axis, the Center acts as an “incubator” for startups, providing advice and guidance, legal support and information on financial conditions, with the aim of the groups being prepared for the search for funding. The Entrepreneurship Center assists in the search for financiers, so that each company can obtain “business validation”, the so-called “business validation”, by acquiring its first customer.


The third stage is the one to which the researchers turn. With a high-quality raw material, Greece faces several pathogens in the field of research in terms of extroversion but also the connection with businesses.

“For us, it is an innovation that the research can be exploited commercially. It is not just an invention, there must be a corresponding impact on society. And this is what we are trying to achieve with our collaboration with the researchers”, says Mrs. Karagiannakis.

At this stage, researchers receive support and information from protecting their intellectual property by registering a patent to getting in touch with entrepreneurs and being able to secure a collaboration.


The rector of the University, professor Dimitris Burantoniscommenting on ACEin’s international recognition, stated: «The recent international recognition of the OPA’s ACEin Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation is recognition of the great work being done there. Counting more than eight years of uninterrupted operation and having supported more than 550 teams, ACEin undoubtedly contributes to the growth of entrepreneurship, technology transfer and implementation of innovative solutions in business plans. OPA now officially holds the title of the top entrepreneurship start-up hub for 2024».

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#European #distinction #University #Economics



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