Deputy Marta Bravo promotes a project to provide pensions to caregivers – La Discusión 2024-03-30 12:57:32

Within the framework of a new commemoration of Women’s Day, which took place on March 8, the representative for the Ñuble Region, Marta Bravo (UDI), announced the sending of a draft resolution to request the Government to, In the shortest possible time, they can evaluate the granting of a pension to all people who are carrying out caregiving duties and who, for this reason, are prevented from continuing to work and develop their personal lives with complete freedom.

In this regard, although the union parliamentarian has valued the different initiatives promoted by Congress and the Executive in this matter, she stated that there is still an outstanding debt with those who have seen the need to serve as caregivers, especially in cases of family members who require assistance, whose work generally does not end up being paid.

In that sense, Representative Bravo recalled that of the total number of people who carry out this work in our country, 91.6% are women -according to the statistics provided by the National Disability Service-, which is explained by the historical association that has been made of women as those exclusively in charge of caring for the home and, consequently, of families.

“Currently, it is estimated that in our country there are close to 640 thousand people in a situation of moderate or severe dependency, so the number of people carrying out care work should be very similar. And if we see that more than 90% are women, and that no less than a percentage of them were forced to carry out this task, it is essential that we advance policies and measures to benefit them,” said the representative of District 19. , who recalled that “there are many women, even young people and adolescents, who have had to postpone their personal and professional lives to care for a family member who requires it, so it is they who precisely need the State to be able to lend a hand in this minute,” he said.

The draft resolution that the UDI parliamentarian will present will formally request the Government to “consider implementing a transitional pension, equivalent to the amount of the Basic Solidarity Disability Pension, for those people who have impediments to working formally when they are performing the work of caregiver.” indicating that the latest Social Welfare survey of the Ministry of Social Development warned that 85% of people who spend more than eight hours a day performing unpaid care work are women.

“The State has the obligation to recognize that caregivers play a fundamental role in our society, because they are precisely the ones who take care of people who have different degrees of dependency. So we hope not only that this draft resolution is supported transversally in Congress, but that the Government can also support it and that we support the people who have not been able to live their lives freely,” Bravo mentioned.

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