Pnrr, the mayor of Marzabotto: «Refunds given? We’ll see when the money arrives.”

Pnrr, the mayor of Marzabotto: «Refunds given?  We’ll see when the money arrives.”

“It seems that the Interior Ministry has arranged a payment in favor of the Municipality, we’ll see when it arrives.” The mayor of Marzabotto Valentina Cuppi wrote this on Facebook, following the news of the Municipality’s difficulties due to the failure to reimburse the Pnrr funds: it is three million, advanced by the Municipality. «Before yesterday – explains Cuppi – the only action that had been taken was to ask us for the data for the assessment of the pre-disaster and have us call the Court of Auditors. That is, they monitor us for the cash problems that the ministry itself caused because it was late with payments. An absurdity. So much so that the conditions for activating the pre-disaster procedure do not exist. We have all our accounts in order, but if the ministry does not transfer us the funds we are entitled to and does not respect the deadlines imposed by the EU and the government itself, it puts the Municipality in crisis.” In short, Cuppi concludes, «it seems that we lose out on being virtuous ordinary people. How many times has it been said “Italy will not be able to respect the times of the Pnrr and resources will be lost”, but here the capacity is there, we and many bodies are demonstrating it, but everyone must do their part”.

#Pnrr #mayor #Marzabotto #Refunds #money #arrives
2024-03-30 12:07:15

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