On Tuesday, short-term precipitation, mostly rain, is expected in many places; the air temperature will not yet exceed +10 degrees.
Wednesday and Thursday will be mostly dry and sunny. The wind will be south, southeast at times, gusting up to 9-14 meters per second. At night in some places in the eastern part of the country the thermometer will drop one or two degrees below zero, and the maximum temperature during the day will be +11..+15 degrees on Wednesday and +12..+17 degrees on Thursday, on the Kurzeme coast of the Gulf of Riga it will be cooler.
On Friday evening a cold front will cross Latvia and rain is expected. As the wind blows from the west, temperatures will drop a few degrees on Friday.
Easter is also expected to be affected by cyclones, with possible rain and sudden temperature fluctuations. Sunday, the last day of March, may also be the warmest day of the month. There is a possibility that the national heat record for March will be broken – +20.8 degrees, recorded on March 30, 1968 in Mersrags.
Cold weather is expected to return in early April, possibly with snow.
#warmer #week
2024-03-30 11:54:35