Christopher Gauthy Ans Incident: Alderman Caught with High Blood Alcohol Content

Christopher Gauthy Ans Incident: Alderman Caught with High Blood Alcohol Content

2024-03-30 04:00:00

A year ago, Christopher Gauthy was stopped by the police while he was driving his van at the intersection of the SPAR store, formed by rue Lambert Dewonck and rue François Ennot, in Ans.

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The intersection where Christopher Gauthy was checked during the night from Saturday to Sunday in Ans.
Christopher Gauthy checked in Ans with more than 1.5 g of alcohol in his blood: “This is a private fact which does not call into question his function as alderman,” explains the Filipino mayor

His truck smoked profusely, like someone had fallen asleep with their foot on the clutch. Problem, the elected PS had drunk too much. According to our information, cross-checked from a good source, he even had 2.8 grams of alcohol in his blood at the time of the test. That is, a rate much higher than the authorized legal limit which is 0.5. Something which did not escape the police court.

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