Drawing to Resist: Inspiring Stories of Courage and Defiance in Art

2024-03-30 06:22:30

To begin, you share with us your enthusiasm for a documentary series available on arte.tv entitled “Drawing to resist”…

There are five women. Mexican, Syrian, Indian, Russian and Egyptian. Their common point: being an artist and protester in countries at war and/or autocrats where it is not good to belong to the feminine gender and to dare to free themselves from the prohibitions linked to their identity. Five cartoonists who, to stand up once morest the horror of their daily lives, chose to pick up a pencil and respond with humor, virulent caricature, surrealist poetry or political drawing. By the simple fact of existing, of claiming their gender, they affirm their resistance to patriarchy, dictatorship and nauseating ideology. Their drawing is the expression of their infinite courage as well as their rejection of injunctions to remain hidden and silent. It doesn’t matter if they have been repudiated by their brother, threatened with evil spells on the web or prosecuted for contempt… they refuse to give in. Their pen is the torch of their pride and their freedom… By drawing a few lines, they push back those of obscurantism and totalitarianism.

Five documentary portraits, made mainly by women and which show them at work, in the street with sketchbook under their arm or at home, holed up but still standing, transmitting, like the Syrian Amany Al-Ali, their art to others women deprived of their own identity. Committed artists, bringing freedom, protest and insubordination back to life in the face of barbarians and toxic males. They unite and disseminate with humor but also a lot of anxiety the seeds of a possible future. Five documentaries of just an hour each, intimate and fascinating, punctuated by the works of these women and a few animated films. An involved, galvanizing and often very moving series.

The refusal to capitulate is also at the heart of your second recommendation… the Chilean series “Los mil dias de allende” available on OCS

A Chilean and Spanish, historical and political series to retrace in four one-hour episodes the destiny of Salvador Allende from the eve of being elected president until his suicide. A thousand days reconstructed as closely as possible to the known truth, but regularly diverting official history – and therefore written by the victors – to suggest the internal and external actions which led to General Pinochet’s coup d’état and Allende’s suicide. A fresco punctuated with archive images recalling how the military, whom Allende refused to call in to protect his economic projects, ended up turning once morest him thanks to the active support of the CIA and the tacit complicity of European democracies. A story carried by a feverish, restless staging recalling with a beautiful epic breath the tragedy of an egalitarian utopia forever nipped in the bud.

#Draw #resist #Arte.tv #Los #mil #dias #Allende #OCS



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