Riga? Suburb? Village? The population of the Republic of Latvia told where they want to live

A quarter of the population of Latvia would prefer to live in Riga, and the same number would choose a suburb for their home, where a third of the population currently living in rural areas and a third of the population of regional cities would like to move.

Young people aged 25-34 most want to live in Riga, but people aged 35-44 most often prefer to live in the suburbs.

Every fifth respondent would like to live in a small city, and 19% – in one of the large cities in the region.

At the same time, 11% of the population dream of living in rural areas, and people aged 55-65 years most want to live in rural areas.

In the Baltic countries, the population’s preferences regarding where to live differ – for example, in Estonia there is a higher percentage of people, or a third, who would prefer to live in the capital (30%). At the same time, a quarter of Estonians would like to live in rural areas, which is much more than in Lithuania (13%) and Latvia (11%).

Lithuanians would most often prefer to live in one of the large cities in the regions (27%), and this figure is significantly higher than in other Baltic countries.

#Riga #Suburb #Village #population #Republic #Latvia #told #live
2024-03-30 05:00:18



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