The “Golden Crosses of the Stage” were distributed: A. Juška, who was declared the best director, expressed his support for Palestine | Culture

The “Golden stage cross” and “Boris Dauguvietis earring” awards were established by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.

The laureates are selected by the Professional Stage Art Evaluation Commission, which currently consists of experts from various fields of stage art, experiences, and age groups who live not only in the capital: theater expert Deimantė Dementavičiūtė-Stankuvienė, art critic Raimonda Bitinaitė-Širvinskienė, musicologist Eglė Gudžinskaitė, choreographer Lina Navardauskienė, theater expert Goda Dapšytė, dance critic and ballet master Petras Skirmantas, composer Mindaugas Urbaitis, theater expert Elona Bajorinienė, director Gytis Padegimas.

The “Boris Dauguvietis earring” was awarded Mantas Jančiauskas and Rimantas Ribačiauskas.


He became the best director Adam Juška for the play “Western Shore” (Klaipėda Drama Theater).

“The war in Ukraine that started two years ago became a harsh reminder for all theaters that culture does not exist in a vacuum. Even seemingly insignificant events like Eurovision are an opportunity to show the world that a country that commits a crime once morest humanity is not worthy of being a member of the international community. Russia’s exclusion from Eurovision is a great example and a clear precedent. To allow Israel to continue to participate in this event is tantamount to justifying the endless violations of international law in Palestine, where thousands of children have been killed and continue to be killed. Colleagues and LRT viewers, please contact the national broadcaster and express your disapproval. Let’s be indifferent to injustice, even though it’s a little uncomfortable,” said A. Juška.

Minor role

In the category “Non-main role” the victory was won by an actor Kirill Glushaev. He was appreciated for his role as Zhan in the play “Raganosiai” (Lithuanian National Drama Theatre).

Photo by Eriko Ovcharenko/BNS/Kirilas Glushaev

The role of the man

Actor of the Šiauliai State Drama Theater Severinas Norgaila this year he received the “Golden Cross of the Stage” for the role of Ivar in the play “Flying Travolta”.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Severinas Norgaila

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Severinas Norgaila

The role of a woman

The award for the best female role was won by a quartet of legendary Kaunas Drama Theater actors Vilija Grigaitytė behind Vitaly Jūratė Onaitytė behind Alma Inesa Paliulytė for Irene, Lucija Rukšnaittė for the roles of Julia in the play “When we will be young”.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Moments of the event

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Moments of the event

The most popular playwright

The director and author of dramas became the most popular playwright of 2023 Alexander Špilevoj.

“This is what happens when you direct your own plays… On the other hand, it’s sad, but it’s the only way nowadays for playwrights to get into the theater festival organized by the Ministry of Culture.” Unfortunately, I feel like W.Shakespeare’s Romeo, secretly sneaking into the Capulets’ festival, where he was completely unexpected”, said A.Špilevojus and reminded regarding the petition organized by G.Labanauskaitė and other colleagues.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Aleksandras Špilevoj

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Aleksandras Špilevoj

Beginning artist / Beginning artist

She became the best beginner artist Samanta Pinaitytė-Maiskienė for the role of Olga in the play “Fragment” at the Klaipėda Drama Theater.

“I don’t know what to say. For the first time, I feel unprepared, but now the most important thing is to thank you. First of all, to the parents, husband Karolis and main teacher Valentin Masalskis”, said S. Pinaitytė-Maiskienė.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Samanta Pinaitytė

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Samanta Pinaitytė

A performance for children and young people

Raimondo Klezio The performance “Aries” performed by No Shoes Theater became the best performance for children and young people.

“Standing here is a great honor. I didn’t expect to get crosses, but there were signs. People started greeting each other, Oskars Koršunovas invited us to put on a play for children, I’m joking, we even put it in the envelope for the committee,” R. Klezys joked.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Raimondas Klezys

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Raimondas Klezys

Object and puppet theater performance

“Golden Stage Cross” Julia Skuratova received a visual decision for the play “Lion and Bird” (Kaunas State Puppet Theatre).

“It’s very unexpected, because I thought the most deserving one is the director. Thank you to the theater for accepting the idea of ​​our play”, said J. Skuratova.

Erika Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Julija Skuratova

Erika Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Julija Skuratova


He became the best composer of last year Donatas Bielkauskas for the sound concept of the sound and movement performance “Out of the Box” (Group of Artists “Fish Eye”).

“It’s great that you are all in Klaipėda today!” I’ll admit – I expected it, I waited, thank you. I would like to remember my colleague and thank Kristijonas Lučinskas, Giedrei Giedraityta and our entire creative team for the dreams”, said D. Bielkauskas.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Donatas Bielkauskas

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Donatas Bielkauskas

Soloist / soloist

He had an exceptional performance in 2023 Kostas Smoriginas. He played the role of Amonasro in the opera “Aida” at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Photo by Martyn Aleksas/Kostas Smoriginas

Photo by Martyn Aleksas/Kostas Smoriginas


He became a laureate in the choreography category Dovydas Strimaitis for the dance performance “Duetas” in the independent dance organization “Be kompanijos”.

Photo by Nicolas Poillot/Dovydas Strimaitis

Photo by Nicolas Poillot/Dovydas Strimaitis

Dancer / Dancer

She became the strongest artistic dancer of 2023 Oksana Griaznova for his role in the dance performance “Match 3” created by the independent dance organization “Be Kompanijos”.

Ballet soloist/soloist

She won the “Golden Cross of the Stage” for her role in the ballet “Dreams and Cactuses” at the Klaipėda State Musical Theater Janas Malakis.

“This is the first such experience in my life. I did not expect to be nominated, so it is a great honor for me to stand on this stage. I want to thank everyone, and especially the Klaipėda State Musical Theater, my friends and family,” said J. Malakis.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Janas Malakis

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Janas Malakis

Technology design

He became the best technology designer this year Julius Kurzys light design for the performances “Western Shore” and “Thick Notebook” in the Klaipėda Drama Theater.

He thanked his mother, wife, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Eugenijus Sabaliauskas, non-governmental theaters and Klaipėda Drama Theater.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Julius Kuršys

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Julius Kuršys

Costume design

She became the best costume designer of 2023 Sandra Straukaite for the costumes of the opera “Aida” at the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater and the costumes of the play “Life is a Dream” at the Art and Science Laboratory.

“I’m actually nominated for very different performances. From one tiny one created from lining to a very large construction that requires all my knowledge. I also want to thank Sigute Šimkūnaita, with whom we are like fists”, said S. Straukaitė.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Sandra Staukaitė

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Sandra Staukaitė


Awarded for the best scenography Lauryna Liepaitė for the scenography of the performance “Western Shore” in the Klaipėda Drama Theater.

While accepting the award, the laureate congratulated everyone on Theater Day and thanked the creative team.

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Lauryna Liepaitė

Eriko Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Lauryna Liepaitė

#Golden #Crosses #Stage #distributed #Juška #declared #director #expressed #support #Palestine #Culture
2024-03-29 05:47:35



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