Sherman in the streets, mustang in the sky. Pilsen tunes the notes for the Celebration of Freedom

“We expect regarding three hundred pieces of equipment in the convoy, including a Sherman tank,” Pavel Rogl from the 16th Armored Division Club told Novinkám. Airplanes from the Second World War will fly over the city, including a Mustang fighter.

Period military camps with an authentic kitchen or hospital will grow in the central garden circle. The RAF camp will also feature a replica of the legendary Spitfire. What will be missing are the veterans. “They cannot participate due to health and old age, but their families will come from the United States and Belgium,” said Mayor Roman Zarzycký (ANO).

A new feature will be the opening ceremony with an exhibition performance by cadets from the American military school. Bands will be playing on Republic Square, in front of the General Patton Museum and in Kopecky Gardens.

80 years ago, dozens of airmen escaped from the POW camp, only three made it to Britain


Photo: Ivan Blažek

“Patton’s boys” and laughing girls are how Pilsen commemorates the liberation.

The army is not participating in the celebrations this year. “It is by mutual agreement, it will be presented once more in Pilsen next year, on the 80th anniversary of the liberation,” explained Jana Komišová from the marketing department of the Pilsen municipality.

Last year, 90,000 people arrived during the celebrations, this year the town hall expects a similar turnout. “The hotel capacities are already more or less specified,” added Komišová.

Air strikes on Yugoslavia turned into a major air war




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