The Prefecture has a new General Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge

The Argentine Naval Prefecture appointed Senior Adjutant Roberto Ortiz as the new Chief Petty Officer in Charge General and presented sabers and recognitions to those who rose to the rank of Senior Adjutant, in a ceremony presided over by the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, accompanied by the National Prefect Naval, Prefect General Guillermo Giménez Pérez, and the National Naval Subprefect, Prefect General Alejandro Annichini.

The Secretary of Security, Vicente Ventura Barreiro, the senior staff of the Force, personnel and special guests were present at the event.

“Today we are summoned by a special moment for you and also for us. As they have said, one stage ends, but another begins. That institutional continuity of so many years that preserves the forms and discipline in favor of the Homeland. The senior non-commissioned officers who today receive their saber, having reached the highest rank, have traveled an enormous path up to this point, spanning many, many years, in the service of the institution and the Homeland,” said Patricia Bullrich.

Furthermore, the Minister of Security added: “today I want to congratulate, especially, Senior Adjutant Héctor Palladino who has held the role of General Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge for four years, a role of accompaniment to all non-commissioned officers, such as communicating the needs of the personnel. , being able to listen to them, being able to know their mood, being able to feel what is happening to them. “He seems like a very important role to me because it means being a link and that requires leadership, empathy, understanding, camaraderie and also leadership skills.”

During the event, the National Prefect put in charge the senior assistant Ortiz who, having joined the Institution in 1984 and promoted to the highest rank in 2017, has a vast professional career, among which the functions he performed in the houses stand out. of Force studies, such as the Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Schools.

After hearing the appointment provision, the Minister and the prefect general Giménez Pérez gave Ortiz the recognitions inherent to his new position, consisting of the cordon and the badge of Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge General.

On the other hand, the authorities honored senior assistant Héctor Palladino, who held the aforementioned position for the last four years, presenting a chest with a badge for his institutional career and a diploma.

In that sense, Palladino said: “faith, gratitude and joy, this is how I close this moment. Today I feel a mix of emotions and sensations. I finish a cycle following 45 years of active service in this institution. It is difficult to say goodbye to you, so I intend these words to be of gratitude and reflection for those who have influenced me in different ways during this long journey. The time came to hand over my position as Chief Petty Officer in Charge of the Argentine Naval Prefecture, which I carried out with predisposition and dedication always in pursuit of providing solutions to junior personnel. “I am happy to have completed this management that began the day I chose to enter the institution, February 1, 1979.”

For his part, the same recognitions were given to the senior assistant (retired) Luis Antonio Calgaro, who was Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge General from 2016 to 2020.

Likewise, in the ceremony, the senior non-commissioned officers who rose to the rank of senior assistant were distinguished and received their saber.



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