Car supply chain, the relaunch plan is ready after the discussions on the Stellantis dossier

Car supply chain, the relaunch plan is ready after the discussions on the Stellantis dossier

The five thematic tables of Mimit worked for almost three months and arrived, with the coordination of Anfia and the consultancy of Alix Partners, at a proposal for a multi-year plan to support automotive Made in Italy which should become a Protocol of Understanding. There are four areas of intervention for around twenty actions which also involve other ministries and which look to 2028, with the aim of supporting the competitiveness of Italian companies and facilitating the growth of Stellantis’ production volumes in Italy, reaching one million vehicles .

Reconversion of the automotive sector

The working draft underlying the future Protocol aims to support the transition and partial reconversion of the automotive sector, with particular attention to employment stability and generational turnover, so much so that to guarantee the entry of young workers the reintroduction of expansion contracts and the possibility of encouraging hiring in under-sized areas while supporting incentivized exits. The theme of protecting production chains is at the center of the document which for the first time provides, for example, the possibility of using public tools to encourage business aggregation and growth processes, with the potential support of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

Also in the field are possible financing for reconversion projects, concentrated on “head-chain” companies through Development Contracts. Or even the introduction of new social safety nets for companies in transition, with adjustments such as the reduction of notice for recourse to the redundancy fund or the reduction of the company contribution. Among the hypotheses there is also the possibility of facilitated job reintegration thanks to mechanisms for the transition of workers from contracting companies to companies in the development phase, using a dedicated job agency.

New skills fund, Gol, and Just transition fund

A new national plan should be reserved for the topic of training using the new skills fund, Gol, Just transition fund, and other possible items. The issue of the lack of a national champion of components goes hand in hand with the undersizing of companies, with important repercussions on the competitiveness of Italian companies. One of the areas of intervention looks at this theme in particular, with a series of measures in place. The draft provides for the creation of purchasing groups of companies in the supply chain for common services such as energy and logistics, or goods. Energy, in particular, represents an important variable that threatens the competitiveness of Italian companies and the working draft provides for possible support for energy production plants from alternative sources through tools such as Power Purchase Agreements with third-party operators, or for communities energy (Cer) in the auto sector, with the possible inclusion of big players to create economies of scale.

Incentives for supply chains at risk of delocalization

Among the operational hypotheses there is also the mitigation of the cost of energy through incentives or concessions for supply chains at risk of relocation. The set of measures that should be included in the Protocol look above all at the production system of the automotive sector and not at the market tout court even if starting from 2025 operators and technicians hypothesize that in Italy, in the wake of what France is already doing, can experiment with a form of incentive for the purchase of vehicles based on an ecological footprint scoring, formulated on the basis of ESG principles, and supply, to protect the production of components in Italy, combining these principles with the current income thresholds. This is a new approach that might also be extended to the company car and commercial vehicle sectors.

#Car #supply #chain #relaunch #plan #ready #discussions #Stellantis #dossier
2024-03-27 07:18:35

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