Maciej Musiał about gossip about himself and his mother. Dancing with the Stars changed his life, video interview

Maciej Musiał and Daria Syta went to the next episode of Dancing with the Stars. The actor has been part of the media world for more than half of his life. But the moment of promotion of the Polsat show is the time when interest in it grows even more. How does he deal with the gossip and headlines he reads regarding himself in the newspapers? And does he negotiate a lot when it comes to dancing on the dance floor? We got to know what happened behind the scenes.

Maciej Musiał regarding changes in his life and… hairstyle!

An article in a daily newspaper with hidden photos from the club or news on one of the websites regarding the actor breaking traffic regulations – these are just a few of the publications that have recently appeared regarding Maciej Musial.

We asked a Dancing with the Stars participant if life is difficult when you have to watch out for every step. “This is a time of increased activity. I’m trying to deal with it. But it’s definitely different. Before “Dance…” I lived a quieter life, but now there is more interest and you just have to take it into account,” he told us in front of the camera.

At the same time, he also responded to Internet users’ comments. One of them was regarding… a hairstyle! Someone noticed that Maciej did not allow any beauty experiments on his head in the last 3 episodes. Even if it would further emphasize the character of the dances he performs. What it comes from? “I am actually quite consistent on this topic. But I recently went to the hairdresser, there are some nuances! This is because I would like to be myself in these dances,” he told us.

It also turns out that the stars of the program are asked by the production regarding various matters related to live performances… However, nothing can be negotiated hard. “Songs are assigned to us. Of course, we fill out surveys in which we are asked regarding our preferences. Ultimately, however, we have no way of creating all the performance circumstances ourselves. I can only say what I would like. Will anyone react to this? You never know,” heard our reporter Rafał Kowalski from

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Photo AKPA / Kurnikowski

Photo AKPA / Kurnikowski

Maciej Musiał’s mother. This is their relationship

A few episodes ago, the actor’s mother sat in the audience of the Polsat show. She gave him a lot of support, but also made it difficult to focus 100% on the performance. “When you are doing a dance and someone close to you is in the first line of sight, it can be distracting,” said Maciek Musiał.

Mrs. Anna has always been close to her beloved son. And just as she experienced every success of his, she was also emotional that he was growing up in front of the whole of Poland.

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Anna Musiał, Maciej Musiał, VIVA! 11/2014

Photo Zuza Krajewska/LAF AM, Marcin Kempski/I LIKE PHOTO

“My mother definitely felt some fear. Every mother is afraid for her child. We talk a lot and have a close relationship. My mother is a strong, beautiful and wise woman. I’m always curious regarding her opinion. We support each other and are close,” summed up the actor in front of the camera.

You can see the entire interview at the top of the page or on our YouTube.



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