Anthony Kavanagh bursts into tears in “A Sunday in the Country”


Published on 03/24/2024 at 5:42 p.m., Updated yesterday at 7:18 a.m.


VIDEO – The comedian spoke with great emotion regarding his mother in the show hosted by Frédéric Lopez on France 2.

Comedian, actor, presenter, notably as master of ceremonies of the “NRJ Music Awards” for six years on TF1. Anthony Kavanagh is this Sunday March 24 on France 2 in “A Sunday in the Country”, with Macha Méril and Olivia Ruiz. He offers the show hosted by Frédéric Lopez a particularly moving sequence as he talks regarding his mother in the barn of the house suitable for confessions.

After fleeing Haiti in 1964, his parents settled for a time in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country was still called Belgian Congo at the time. Quebec needs French-speaking teachers and Anthony Kavanagh’s parents are seizing the opportunity. “It’s a culture shock. My parents also have Haitian friends, so inside it’s 40 degrees while outside it’s -40 degrees. It’s as if the Creole Company were doing a concert at Picard’s.”laughs the artist.

How lucky I was to have known this wonderful woman for 26 years.

Anthony Kavanagh

Anthony Kavanagh calls his father “well living”, who does not really provide for his family’s needs. Her mother decides to resume her studies while working to compensate for this lack. She first became a nurse and then rose through the ranks. She became the first black woman in Quebec to become director of a hospital. “I always see my mother strong, I am proud of her. She had an extraordinary laugh and so…”

Anthony Kavanagh stops, overcome with emotion. Tears flow. The comedian takes a few minutes before being able to resume his story: “As soon as I say that…I didn’t want to do that.” The evocation of his mother’s laughter is what “hurts him the most”. “It’s been a long time since I cried for my mother”he confides before remembering a discussion that constitutes the man he has become as an adult.

“She was an extraordinary woman, but I see my mother who is angry with my father and I tell her mother, I will not be like that”, he says. He will always be “the good boy, gentleman”. “I looked at her, I found that she wasn’t enjoying life enough. She died at 51, she didn’t enjoy life enough.he remembers. “She worked a lot, she was in her books and she took care of us. She had her goal. She achieved it so I’m super proud”he concludes before adding: “How lucky I was to have known this wonderful woman for 26 years”.

SEE ALSO – “The more things go on, the more I understand Frédéric Lopez”: Raphaël de Casabianca talks regarding the intense pace of filming in “unknown lands”




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