öGIG and spusu invite you to the press conference

2024-03-25 17:30:11

New study and groundbreaking partnership in fiber optic expansion: öGIG and spusu take stock

Vienna (OTS) – For more than three years, Austria’s largest independent provider of open fiber optic infrastructure, the Austrian Fiber Optic Infrastructure Company (öGIG), and the fastest growing domestic mobile phone provider spusu have been working together to expand the fiber optic network in Austria.

The goal of the partnership is clearly defined: to push forward the fiber optic expansion nationwide quickly and on a large scale and thus provide the population with a future-proof and direct connection to the fiber optic network. A particular focus is on rural regions.

In a joint press conference, öGIG and spusu explain previous milestones and successes and provide an outlook on future projects. In addition, the results of a current study, which was carried out in collaboration with the market research institute marketmind, will be presented. This provides insight into the current market situation in Austria and shows the advantages that fiber optic technology brings to customers compared to other technologies.

The following discussion points await you in detail:

öGIG with strong growth on the way to the goal of 1 million connected households and businesses
How öGIG will ignite the investment and expansion turbo in 2024 and sustainably advance Austria’s digitization with its 100% real fiber optic network, setting the course for success in the mobile communications and fiber optic market
How spusu, as the fastest-growing mobile phone provider, is also boosting the fiber optic market and pushing for domestic expansion. New study on the fiber optic market in Austria
FTTH (Fiber to the Home) compared to other technologies and key findings in terms of customer satisfaction, price-performance, reliability and speed Key technology fiber optic
Industry trends and future plans

The following contacts are available to you:

Mag. Christian Nemeth, CCO öGIGDipl.-Ing.(FH) Florian Parnigoni, MSc MBA, COO spusuDr. Thomas Winder, marketmind

About spusu

spusu is an Austrian mobile phone provider. The company uses Drei’s network. spusu was founded in 2015 by Dipl.-Ing. Franz Pichler, who is also the owner and managing director. With the motto “Mobile communications without hidden costs”, spusu offers tariff offers in premium quality at affordable prices. Since its market launch, the company has been recognized as the industry’s test winner several times. A focus is on excellent customer service – concerns are resolved within a few minutes in the vast majority of cases. Since 2021, spusu has also fulfilled its role as a technology pioneer by expanding the regional fiber optic infrastructure with its own construction crews and fleet. The mobile phone provider currently employs more than 270 people and has over 600,000 customers. Annual sales for 2023 were 67 million euros. spusu is currently active in Austria, Italy and Great Britain. Further information at www.spusu.at

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About öGIG

öGIG was founded in 2019 and is a 100% subsidiary of the Allianz Group, which is one of the world’s leading insurers and asset managers. As a long-term infrastructure investor, Allianz brings experience and expertise from several fiber optic investments to öGIG. In order to make Austria fit for the future, öGIG plans, builds, finances and operates FTTH networks throughout Austria. öFIBER is the öGIG brand and stands for 100% real fiber optics right into the home or business. öGIG implements fiber optic expansion projects throughout Austria. Further information at www.oegig.at

Invitation to the press conference – New study and groundbreaking partnership in fiber optic expansion: öGIG and spusu take stock

Date: April 15, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m

Location: APA Press Center & Online
Laimgrubengasse 10, 1060 Vienna, Austria


Questions & Contact:

Yield Public Relations
Sofia Schrötter
Tel.: +43 670 601 4491
E-Mail: s.schroetter@yield.at

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