Title: “Roxane Bruneau: From Conquering Fear to Conquering France – A Journey of Overcoming Anxiety and Pushing Limits”

2024-03-25 20:46:15

After overcoming his fear of heights at his last concerts of the tour Acrophobieat the Bell Center and the Videotron Center, Roxane Bruneau feels ready to take a new step.

“I would like to set myself on fire,” she spontaneously revealed to Marie-Claude Barrette, during the most recent episode of the podcast Open your game.

“For a music video, I would like to set myself on fire. […] I don’t do drugs, I hardly drink alcohol. I don’t really have the means to quit that much. It seems like that’s my little dose of adrenaline,” continued the musician, who recently came close to drowning during the photo shoot for the cover of her album Overwhelmed.


Since treating her anxiety, Roxane Bruneau is more inclined to push her limits and is increasingly toying with the idea of ​​crossing the Atlantic to “conquer” France with her music.

Long paralyzed by anxiety in the past, the singer-songwriter admitted that she would like to relive the start of her career, but this time “with both eyes open”.

“When I started here, it was super fast and I was walking with my hands in front of my eyes, traumatized, because I was anxious and I had no tools, not really a team,” he said. -she said, describing her early career as hardcore so much anxiety was present in life.

“I would start from scratch. I would play small venues, I would sell my CDs and I would sign them following the shows», she added, while emphasizing the importance of the entourage and the feeling of security that the one she currently has and that she has built over time gives her.


“Before, people talked to me regarding a career in France, I wanted to Gunner in the head. (…) Finally, I started to be medicated and… “Bring her to me, France!” I am going to conquer France,” continued the coach of The voice smiling.

“It’s a new adventure and I’m going to live it instead of surviving it,” she argued.

The singer also told Marie-Claude Barrette that dealing with her anxiety had freed her from the specter of her past. “Everything always led to the fear of losing everything because I don’t want to be hungry once more,” she said.

During the podcast, Roxane Bruneau also spoke regarding her relationship with her partner and her role as a mother-in-law.

#set #fire #Roxane #Bruneau



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