The Elder Scrolls franchise, developed by Bethesda, has turned 30 years old today. This immensely popular open-world RPG series has captivated millions of fans over the years. To celebrate this milestone, Bethesda took to social media to share a short history of the series and its groundbreaking innovations. However, they didn’t just dwell on the past; they also hinted at the future of the series.
In their post, Bethesda confirmed that the team is currently playing early builds of The Elder Scrolls VI, the much-anticipated next installment in the franchise. This news has undoubtedly sparked excitement among fans who have been eagerly awaiting any information regarding the game since its announcement back in 2018.
But what can we gather from this brief tease? It seems that The Elder Scrolls VI will once once more be set in the vast continent of Tamriel, similar to previous entries like Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind. This speculation aligns with theories suggesting that the game will take place in Hammerfell, an area within Tamriel.
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