Poultry meat from Ukraine contaminated with salmonella was detained at the border

Due to the presence of microbiological contamination (Salmonella typhimurium and enteritidis) in a shipment of poultry meat inspected by the Veterinary Inspection on the Polish-Ukrainian border as part of the national food monitoring plan from third countries, the European Commission, at the request of Poland, implemented the EU procedure of intensified control regarding the establishment of origin of the goods. .

The intensified control includes laboratory checks of subsequent shipments submitted for official controls at the entire EU border until 10 consecutive consistent results are obtained. The checks are carried out by all Member States, and the shipment awaits the results of laboratory tests at the border under official supervision. Controls are coordinated through the EU’s TRACES-NT system. All consignments with unsatisfactory results are rejected based on the administrative decision of the official veterinarian. The restrictions remain in effect until the Ukrainian manufacturing plant implements corrective actions regarding consumer safety.

Source: GIW

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