Burn-out can strike very early: in their thirties and already “burned out”

Burn-out can strike very early: in their thirties and already “burned out”

2024-03-22 03:45:13

Imagine a candle which, following burning for a long time, only offers a fragile flame. Or a building with an intact facade but whose floors would be charred following a fire. This image of internal combustion is at the origin of the Anglo-Saxon term « burn-out ». It also comes back in the vocabulary and imagination used by the victims of this sneaky evil, which arrives quietly, through accumulation. “I burned myself”, summarizes Pierre Simonnin. At 29, this engineer, co-founder of a technological start-up, feels like he is slowly dying: “It started with embarrassment. My partners wanted to grow the company. I didn’t understand this race for growth. »

His situation is deteriorating day by day. He sleeps little, suffers from attention problems, increasingly violent headaches and only talks regarding work. “I arrived at the office at 11 a.m., because I mightn’t get up before, and I left at 3:30 p.m., exhausted. Once home, I would sit on the couch and stay there until the end of the day. » One day, as he exits the subway and heads to work, he feels pressure building in his head with each step. Arriving at the office, he warns his associates that he is stopping and going to the doctor, who makes the diagnosis: burn-out. A few months later, he launched Journal du burn-out, a site on which he posts videos and testimonials on the subject: “I got hundreds of feedback, including a significant number from people I knew, who admitted to me that they had also experienced burnout. The subject remains taboo, but concerns many people. »

In France, 5% to 10% of the working population suffer from burnout, or between 1.5 million and 3 million people. Young “millennials” and women are particularly affected, says Philippe Zawieja, author of Survivors of burnout (Les Arènes, 2023) and several books on the subject.

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The occupational psychosociologist identifies different risky moments in a professional career, starting with entry into working life. “Young people can experience disillusionment with a long-fantasized profession. Particularly when companies display values ​​which are then violated on a daily basis, thus causing ethical suffering among their recruits. analyzes Mr. Zawieja. The consultant also notes a peak in burn-out following ten years of experience, around the age of thirty, due to demographic parameters: “It’s the time when we start having children, when the first couples separate. The risk then decreases with seniority. »

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