A few hundred people gathered in Vienna on Saturday for another demonstration once morest right-wing extremism, racism and anti-Semitism. The procession, to which several organizations had invited, started at Human Rights Square and is scheduled to end with an event in the government district with the motto “Defend Democracy!” find its climax. Political support comes from the SPÖ, the Greens and the NEOS.
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The Platform for a Humane Asylum Policy, which includes Volkshilfe, the anti-racism initiative ZARA and SOS Mitmensch, invited people to the demonstration. Despite the onset of rain, a number of participants already gathered at the Human Rights Square, some of whom held banners to draw attention to their concerns. In addition to the message “Nazis out,” one might also read “Turn or it crashes.” However, it remained quiet and the police were also heavily present.
From around 3.30 p.m., “various areas of civil society” want to express their demands on a stage on Ballhausplatz. The rally will be opened by Volkshilfe director Erich Fenninger. Artists have also announced their presence: including castle actress Zeynep Buyraç, musicians Oliver Welter and Roman Gregory and writer Doron Rabinovici.
The event also has a high-level political presence. Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler from the Greens, SPÖ chairman Andreas Babler and Stephanie Krisper from the NEOS will speak on stage.

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